Konferencja „Nicolai Hartmann International Conference”

Na Uniwersytecie Śląskim w Katowicach w dniach 13-14 czerwca br. odbywa się międzynarodowa konferencja Nicolai Hartmann International Conference.

Konferencja jest organizowana przez Instytut Filozofii UŚ (Zakład Historii Filozofii Nowożytnej i Współczesnej), Instytut Filozofii UMCS (Zakład Historii Filozofii Nowożytnej i Współczesnej) oraz Nicolai Hartmann Society.

Program konferencji

Nicolai Hartmann International Conference
Katowice, 13-14 June 2019
University of Silesia in Katowice
Faculty of Social Sciences
Bankowa 11

Sala sympozjalna III (4th floor) and Room 316 (3th floor)

June, 13

  • 9.00-9.30 -  Registration (Ground floor, at the entrance)
  • 9:30 - Official opening of the conference (Sala sympozjalna III)

Plenary Session 1 (Sala sympozjalna III)
Chairman: Alicja Pietras

  • 10:00–10:40 Andrzej J. Noras (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland), Die Marburger Schule in der Philosophie von Nicolai Hartmann
  • 10:40–11:20 Leszek Kopciuch (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland), Hartmann’s Concept of Feeling of Values

Coffee Break

Plenary Session 2 (Sala sympozjalna III)
Chairman: Leszek Kopciuch

  • 11:40–12:20 Artur Mordka (University of Rzeszów, Poland), Nicolai Hartmann’s Aesthetics. Between the Philosophical Principle and the Artistic Phenomenon
  • 12:20–13:00 Keith Peterson (Colby College, Waterville, USA), Value Ethics and Liberation Ethics: Convergence and Divergence

Lunch Break

Session 1 (Sala sympozjalna)
Chairman: Alicja Pietras

15:00–15:40 Douglas Lawrence
(Robert S. Hartman Institute, USA),
Advances in Field Theory that
Expound and Expand upon the
Axiology of Nicolai Hartmann

Session 2 (Room 316)

Chairman: Wojciech Hanuszkiewicz

15:00–15:40 Iwona Alechnowicz
(University of Opole, Poland), Was
heißt es kritischer Realist zu sein?
Zwei verschiedene Antworten:
Nicolai Hartmann und Richard
ö nigswald


Iryna Matsevich
(National Academy of
Sciences of Belarus, Belarus),
concepts “Erwartung” and
“Antizipation” in N. Hartmann’s
16:20–17:00 Alessandra Campo
(University of L’Aquila, Italy),
Possibility, actuality and
impossibility: the modal problem in

15:40–16:20 Bianka Boros
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
University of Pécs, Hungary),
Begriff der Kritik bei Nicolai

16:20–17:00 Matteo Gargani
(University of Urbino, Italy), Nicolai
Hartmanns Auseinandersetzung mit
der „Wissenschaft der Logik

Coffee Break

Session 3 (Sala sympozjalna III)
Chairman: Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet

17:15–17:55 Andrei Patkul (Saint
Petersburg State University, Russia),
Über das Buch von Tatjana
Gornstein „Die Philosophie Nicolai
Hartmanns“ und ihre Kritik seiner
17:55–18:35 Miloš Kratochvíl
(University of West Bohemia, Czech
The echos of Nicolai
Hartmann in Czech philosophy

Session 4 (Room 316)
Chairman: Artur Mordka

17:15–17:55 Jordi Claramonte
(The National Distance Education
University, Spain),
importance for modal thinking and
contemporary aesthetics

17:55–18:35 Simona Bertolini
(University of Parma, Italy), Nicolai
Hartmann and Environmental Ethics
in Debate

J u n e, 14

Plenary Session 3 (Sala sympozjalna III)
Chairman: Leszek Kopciuch

  • 9:30–10:10 Barbara Czardybon (University of Zielona Góra, Poland), Critical realism of Nicolai Hartmann and Vasily Sesemann – two versions of Post-Neo-Kantianism
  • 10:10–10:50 Frederic Tremblay (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria), Nicolai Hartmann and Semyon Frank: Ontological Gnoseology and the Irrational
  • 10:50–11.30 Alicja Pietras (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland), Nicolai Lossky and Nicolai Hartmann: the ontological grounding of gnoseology 

Coffee Break 

Session 5 (Sala sympozjalna III)

Chairman: Leszek Kopciuch

11:50–12:30 Pavel Mishagin
(Reshetnev Siberian State University
of Science and Technology
Krasnoyarsk, Russia),
of Freedom: From I. Kant to N.
12:30–13:10 Krzysztof Rojek
(Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
in Lublin, Poland),
Pluralism in the Context of
Compatibility and Incompatibility

Session 6 (Room 316)
Chairman: Keith Peterson

Zachary Isrow
(Beacon College, Leesburg , USA),
Stratum or Spectrum? Spectral
Ontological in the Wake of Nicolai

12.30–13:10 Natalia Danilkina
(Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal
University, Kaliningrad, Russia)
Human Moral Authenticity in the Age
of Artificiality

Lunch Break

  • 14:30-15:30 The meeting of the Nicolai Hartmann Society (Sala sympozjalna III)

Plenary Session 4 (Sala sympozjalna III)
Chairman: Frederic Tremblay

  • 15:30–16:10 Joachim Fischer (TU Dresden, Germany), Neue Ontologie und Philosophische Anthropologie. Zur Wahlverwandtschaft zweier moderner Theorien
  • 16:10–16:50 Salvatore Vasta (University of Catania, Italy), From Unintentional to Intentional Consciousness. Myth and Philosophy in Nicolai Hartmann
  • 16:50–17:30 Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (University of Bucharest, Romania), Nicolai Hartmann on the history of philosophy and its method
  • 17:30 - Official closing of the conference

Strona internetowa konferencji: www.nicolaihartmann.us.edu.pl


    Hanna Bytniewska
    Data dodania
    13 czerwca 2019