Coffee Lectures at the UMCS ! Pierwsze echa z zagranicy ....

Coffee Lectures z dnia 5.12.2018 r.

       Miło nam poinformować, że Biblioteka UMCS została zauważona przez pracowników
ETH - Zurych (niem. Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, ETHZ), najlepszej uczelni technicznej w Europie.

Nasza Biblioteka została dodana do Coffee Lectures User Group!

Oto fragment listu z ETH w Zurychu:

       "I am very happy to see - through a Google Alert - that there are Coffee Lectures now also in Poland, at UMCS.
       I maintain a website that provides access to literature and other materials and also lists all known libraries with Coffee Lectures. There are, in principle, also possibilities for discussion and questions & answers and it is - for the time being - in German only. (...) I have added you to the list of libraries:
Curious to hear how it is going,
Best regards from Zurich, Oliver"

Oliver Renn, PhD
Head, Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center
Head, Science Communication Dept. Chemistry & Applied Biosciences
ETH Zürich


    Data dodania
    10 grudnia 2018