Student Scientific Club of Biologists

Student Scientific Club of Biologists

The Student Scientific Club of Biologists was set up shortly after the establishment of the Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences at UMCS (current name: Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology). The club has over 24 members working in four sections: ornithological, theriological, entomological, and botanical.

The Club was established for students who want to develop their specific interests. The Club is a meeting place with University employees, giving students the opportunity to learn about the research profile and current projects implemented at the Faculty departments, participate in research, and publish collaborative investigation results. As an institution with autonomy and its own funds, the Club teaches students responsibility, decision-making, and team work. The Club members take active part in the University life by engagement in Science Festivals. In this way, they acquire the skills of self-presentation, working with listeners, and dissemination of knowledge in an interesting way. As part of their scientific activity and promotion of knowledge, the Club members deliver lectures and organise meetings with primary and high school students. The content and level of the presentations are adjusted to the interests and age of the audience. It is also possible to invite the Club members to schools and see their presentations.

Club location:

Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology UMCS
19 Akademicka St., room 147 B (first floor)
20-033 Lublin


Club supervisor:

dr hab. Rafał Gosik, prof. UMCS

Club sections

Ornithological Section (supervisor: dr hab. Marcin Polak, UMCS Professor) – the members of the section take part in avifauna research in the Lublin region, inventories of valuable natural areas, and migratory bird ringing at research stations of the international SEEMN network (South East Europe Migration Network). Ornithological camps and workshops are organised every year. The collected data is presented e.g. in the Avifauna Catalogue of the Lublin Region and in the Polish Ornithological Atlas. The section cooperates with the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds, Lublin Ornithological Society, and Eagle Conservation Committee. In 2012, the members of the section joined the nationwide Feeder Action targeted at feeding and ringing birds.

Theriological Section – the research is focused on chiropterofauna and small mammals in the Lublin region, with particular emphasis on the distribution, abundance, biology, and protection of the spotted ground squirrel population. In 2012, a camp was held in Mircze Forest District, where the first historical chiropterological inventory of the area was made. Another event that deserves attention was the training trip aimed at identification of species and inventory of hibernating bats in the Izabela Czartoryska cave in Puławy.

Entomological Section (supervisor: dr hab. Ewa Pietrykowska-Tudruj, UMCS Professor) – the research is focused on the biodiversity of entomofauna in the Lublin region and Poland as well as laboratory rearing of Staphylinidae. Additionally, annual summer training camps are organised (recently in Suwałki Landscape Park). The members of the section also take part in camps organised by other Clubs from Poland. The investigation results have been presented at scientific conferences and published in Polish and international scientific journals.

Botanical Section (supervisor: dr Urszula Świderska-Burek) – the main aim of the section is to disseminate knowledge of the flora of the region and the specificity of some groups of plants and fungi. The activities include lectures, laboratory workshops, and field studies. The section cooperates with the Polish Botanical Society. High school students are invited to cooperate as well.