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We cordially invite Young Researchers to apply in the open call for applications in the mobility program implemented within the REINITIALISE project: „Preserving fundamental rights in the use of digital technologies for e-health services”.
If you are:
A Young Researcher*
Your research interests include one or more of the following ehealth area topics:
- ethical and legal principles that might steer the design of ehealth applications;
- how the communication on health on the digital media impacts on individuals’ freedom of choice and can generate self-deception mechanisms;
- economic and social impact and consequences of the technological innovation in e-health that should orient AI and machine learning.
Mobility programme consists of a 60-day fellowship to one of the following Universities:
- Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium
- University of Macerata:
Recruitment is open and will be conducted between 31.01-03.03.2022 (3:15 pm).
Mobility programme must end by 15 November 2022.
Candidates are obliged to submit the following documents:
a) Application Form provided in Attachment no. 2;
b) CV’s in the form provided in Attachment no. 3;
c) One-page Proposal provided in Attachment no. 4: description of the research to be conducted including the objectives, expected scientific results, the inter/multidisciplinary aspects of the action, the gender dimension in the research content, an explanation how the project idea is relevant to the cross-cutting topics and expertise of the Host Institution and superviso;
d) Letter of acceptance signed by official supervisor/promotor/dean at UMCS, provided in Attachment no. 5.
Call for applications with Attachments
For more information contact:
Kamil Fil:
Diana Szczepańska:
* Young Researcher/Early Stage Researcher - an early stage researcher who at the time of recruitment by the host organisation is within the first four years (full-time equivalent) of their research career and has not obtained a doctoral degree yet. Full-time research experience is measured from the date on which the researcher obtained the degree entitling him/her to undertake doctoral studies (in the country where the degree was obtained or in the country where the researcher was recruited), even if the doctoral studies were never started or planned. Part-time research experience is counted proportionally.