The Vibes of UMCS – Activities Our Student Does Back Home

Zapraszamy na ósmy odcinek programu The Vibes of UMCS. Gościem Ellen jest Suraj, student UMCS z Indii, lider projektu „Hakuna Matata", z którym łączy się ona online. Kiedy wybuchła epidemia koronawirusa, Suraj wrócił do swojego kraju, bowiem chciał być blisko rodziny i przyjaciół. W programie opowie o swoich doświadczeniach z podróży, o tym, co robi obecnie i jakie ma plany na przyszłość. The Vibes of UMCS powstaje we współpracy z Akademickim Radiem Centrum i Centrum Promocji UMCS w ramach projektu: UMCS Through International Eyes. Projekt finansowany jest przez Narodową Agencję Wymiany Akademickiej w ramach Programu Welcome to Poland.

During the Covid-19 outbreak our students had to decide whether to stay or to go back to their home countries. Suraj, the student of International Relations program at UMCS and the leader of Hakuna Matata flew to India when the pandemic started as he wanted to be close to his family and friends. During this episode of The Vibes of UMCS he shares his experience from travelling and talks about some of the customs he had to go thru in order to enter the country. While being in a nature, surrounded by plants and birds, Suraj also speaks about the activities he used to do during the quarantine and shares his future plans with us. The project is financed by the Polish Agency for Academic Exchange.



    The Vibes of UMCS

    Data dodania
    25 czerwca 2020