About UMCS

UMCS Patronage - event partnership

Principles of Granting Patronage

The patronage of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS) is granted to projects of significant importance for the development of science and the promotion of education. UMCS patronage may be extended to projects organized by entities, organizations, and associations operating within the University, as well as joint initiatives with business, scientific, or charitable environment and other events of special significance. These include, in particular, events related to science popularization, education, culture, economy, society, and sports.

General information 

  1. The UMCS patronage of an event is a distinction that highlights the special nature of the project. However, it does not imply financial or organizational support for the event.
  2. An application for the project’s financial support is a separate initiative of the organizer.
  3. Publications may be included in the University’s patronage.
  4. The final decision regarding patronage is made by the Rector.
  5. The applicant cannot appeal a refusal.
  6. Only the main organizer of the event may apply for patronage.
  7. Patronage is granted free of charge for the duration of the project’s organization and implementation.
  8. For cyclical events, a new application must be submitted each time.
  9. Granting UMCS patronage does not equate to granting honorary patronage by the Rector of UMCS.
  10. Receiving patronage also grants the applicant permission to use the UMCS logo under the guidelines specified in the University's Visual Identification System and related documents.

Conditions for granting patronage 

  1. The application for UMCS patronage must be submitted via the application form available on the website www.promocja.umcs.pl at least 21 days before the event's scheduled start date.
  2. Applications submitted after this deadline will not be considered.
  3. The applicant for UMCS patronage must demonstrate the event’s special significance and the benefits for the University.
  4. The UMCS Promotion Centre is responsible for reviewing and processing patronage applications.
  5. If the application is incomplete, the applicant will be asked to provide the missing information within five days of receiving the request. Incomplete applications will not be considered, and the applicant will be notified accordingly.
  6. For events organized by research - didactic or research employees, the application must include a positive opinion from the direct supervisor and the institute director. For teaching staff, approval from the dean or head of the all-university centre is required. For events organized by UMCS student scientific groups, the application must include a positive opinion from the group's supervisor.
  7. The Rector may request supplementary information or explanations from the applicant and specify any conditions for granting honorary patronage.
  8. The organizer of an event that has been granted UMCS patronage must inform co-organizers and participants about the distinction received.

Procedure for submitting an application for patronage 

  1. The application for University patronage must be submitted by the organizer of the event using the application form available on the website www.promocja.umcs.pl.
  2. The application for the patronage of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University includes:
    1) detailed information about the planned event and its purpose,
    2) the date of the event or, in the case of ongoing projects - its schedule,
    3) information about the expected number of participants,
    4) promotional benefits resulting from UMCS patronage,
    5) a description of the event promotion plan,
    6) information about other patrons of the undertaking (institutions, sponsors, media),
    7) information about the event organizer,
    8) first and last name, as well as contact details of the person responsible for coordinating the event, including their function,
    9) For a publication seeking patronage, a summary of its content and, if applicable, information on the ISBN number, ISSN number, and the press register number is required.
  3. The applicant submitting the form declares that they have familiarized themselves with the rules related to granting UMCS patronage.
  4. Applications that are not submitted using the designated form will not be considered.

Obligations and privileges related to granting patronage 

  1. Applicants granted UMCS patronage must ensure that the event takes place in accordance with the details presented in the application.
  2. Once the patronage is granted, the applicant must download the appropriate logo from www.promocja.umcs.pl.
  3. All materials must include the following statement: "Patronage of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University.”
  4. The event organizer must display the UMCS logo and patronage information in promotional materials, including conference materials and media information.
  5. Placing the UMCS logo on small promotional materials (e.g. stationery) is optional.
  6. For publications under UMCS patronage, the publisher must provide at least ten copies to the UMCS Promotion Center within 30 days of publication.
  7. The event organizer must present draft materials featuring the UMCS logo for review and approval before publication by sending them to the Promotion Center Team at patronat@mail.umcs.pl.
  8. The organizer must adhere to the promotional commitments specified in the application, under penalty of patronage withdrawal.
  9. An event granted UMCS patronage has the right to reference this distinction in all correspondence, such as when seeking sponsors or additional patrons.
  10. A report on the event must be submitted to the UMCS Promotion Center at patronat@mail.umcs.pl, including photographic documentation confirming the display of UMCS Patronage, within 30 days of event completion.

Patronage wihdrawal 

  1. In justified cases, the Rector of UMCS reserves the right to withdraw patronage for a given event. UMCS may revoke patronage if the event organizer engages in promotional activities for specific services or products in a manner that could imply the Rector's endorsement or if the event has a lobbying nature.
  2. The event organizer will be informed of the withdrawal of patronage via electronic means.
  3. Upon withdrawal, the organizer must immediately cease using the distinction and remove any references to it from all materials. If removal is not possible, the organizer must publish a statement on their website regarding the withdrawal of patronage.


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