Visiting Researchers Programme at the University of Orléans

LE STUDIUM VISITING RESEARCHER award targets experienced international researchers having and keeping a salary in their home institution and willing to join a laboratory in Centre-Val de Loire region for a scientific residency for a period of 3 to 12 months. This programme supports the welcoming and residence in the region and the integration into the LE STUDIUM scientific community.

This programme supports the installation of the visiting researcher and his/her family in Orléans (accommodation, logistics, and administrative support).





Award’s Benefits

Date of residency

Visiting Researcher

2 to 12 consecutive months

Experienced international researcher

- Furnished accommodation in a high-standard apartment, near the Loire river in the city center or Orléans

- Administrative support

- International scientific events

- Integration into the Le Studium scientific community

Earliest starting date: November 2022


Latest ending date : November2023

More information: 



    Date of addition
    11 October 2022