Credits for the academic year

To obtain credits for the academic year, you need to submit to the Programme Director:

(1) Your index book with all the grades and signatures of your teachers, as required.

(2) The "Karta okresowych osiągnięć doktoranta" (sorry, it's in Polish) that you obtain from the Dean's office or download from below. Fill in pages 1-2 and add your report on your research on p. 3 (preferably in Word). Next, approach your Advisor, who on p. 3 will write his/her opinion concerning your progress in research and preparation of the doctoral dissertation. The opinion must be positive for your to obtain credits.

You will need to submit those by Sep 30 each year (i.e., by the end of the academic year).

Make sure that both in the index book and in the "Karta" you include your foreign language course (even if you've been exempted from attending, in which case Programme Director will sign it on the basis of your application that you had submitted beforehand) and your teaching practice. The teaching practice should be confirmed by the person in charge in a given department (the head or the deputy head).

In your index books please ignore pages 2-9 („Ramowy plan studiów doktoranckich” and „Plan studiów na rok...”)