Dear Colleagues,
The balanced diversity of soil microorganisms is closely associated with soil health due to the diversity and activity of soil microorganisms. In addition, many studies have indicated that soil microbes can be used as biological fertilizers and/or soil improvers. In this issue, we aim to summarize and present the role of microorganisms in heterogeneous soil microenvironments and also in bottom sediments, the importance of biodiversity of soil microorganisms, and their contribution to the improvement of soil health. This Special Issue is dedicated to increasing knowledge about gene pool microorganisms in soils, participation of microorganisms in the circulation of elements, humus formation, as well as production of substances stimulating plant growth. An important aspect of this Special Issue will be to present the use of modern techniques to analyze the structure, functions, and interactions of soil microbial communities. an Open Access Journal by MDPI Living Soils: The Role of Microorganisms in Heterogeneous Soil Microenvironments
