Jednostki i pracownicy - książka adresowa

Professor Dominika Polkowska

Professor Dominika Polkowska
Associate Professor
Deputy Director of the Institute of Sociology
E-mail address
Room 139 - Collegium Humanicum
Pl. Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej 4
20-031 Lublin, Poland


pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 4
20-031 Lublin

Personal information

Research interests:

  • precariat
  • precariousness
  • precarious work and employment
  • Industrial relations
  • Labour market
  • Qualitative research
  • Gig economy

Other responsibilities:

  • Expert in the European Commission in the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe
  • Reviewer in "COST" (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)



Scientific Activity

Selected international conferences:

  • IVth International Conference: Social boundaries of work. Work, knowledge and power in contemporary capitalism’, 25-26.10.2018, Gdansk (Poland). Paper: “Grateful” precariat: precarious work among Ukrainian migrants.

  • The International Conference: "On the Edge: Genealogies and Futures of Precarity", Central European University, 3-4.06.2016, Budapest, Hungary. Paper: Genealogies and Meanings of Precariat
  • The International Conference: „ Social Boundaries of Work.The varieties of informal work in contemporary societies”, 12-13.11.15 Zielona Góra, University of Zielona Góra; Paper: The Precarity Trap in the Youth Labour Market. Flexible Employment – a Barrier or Opportunity?

  • The International Conference: Gender, Culture & Migration, University of Gdansk, Gdansk 6-7.03.2015. Paper: Work at home, home in work – difficulties in achieving work-life balance among selected European countries

  • International scientific conference: In and Against the State: Resisting Austerity, European Sociological Association RN 14 Gender Relations in the Labour Market and the Welfare State Mid-term Conference, 4-5 September 2014, Queen Mary University London, United Kingdom; Paper: The usefulness of the Work-Family Fit and Balance Model of Patricia Voydanoff  to study the relationships between work and family in different occupations

  • International scientific conference: The Value of Work, 3rd Global Conference, 1-3 September 2013, Mansfield College Oxford, United Kingdom; Paper: Men between work and family: whether difficulties in achieving work-life balance also apply to men? Poland compared to other countries (Oxford, UK).
  • International scientific conference: Gender and employment in Europe across the lifecourse, National University of Ireland, Galway, 6/7th September, 2012; Paper: Women scientists and their work-life balance. Case of Poland.
  • International scientific conference: Gender issues: Implications for leisure and tourism, Aveiro (Portugal), March 2012 (University of Aveiro, Portugal); Paper: Are women scientists able to succeed in business? The barriers to the commercialization of scientific knowledge by women.

Grants and international cooperation:

  • GRANT National Science Center in Poland - Platform business models and job precarization. On the example of Uber drivers  nr 2018/02/X/HS6/00957; 16.10.2018-15.10.2019
  • Program STA Erasmus – Universidad Aberta, Lizbona, Portugalia – kwiecień 2018
  • Visiting Scholar in HIVA Research Institute for Work and Society  - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium - Februatry 2016
  • RISIS course „Early Career Researchers: Features and potentials of the doctoral candidates and doctoral holders study ProFile;  Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany September 23rd-24th, 2015
  • Study Visit, Mesoyios College, Pafos/Limmasol, Cyprus - may 2015
  • Program STA Erasmus - Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain, April 2015
  • Study visit within the Network for Intersectional Research into Higher Education - University of Gothenburg, Sweden - October 2014
  • Preparatory visit within the Individual Grant of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism – University of Akureyri (Iceland) – may 2014
  • Programme STA Erasmus – Universidad Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal – October/November 2013
  • Visiting researcher in Institute of Philosophy nd Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, (10.2006-03.2007)


  1. Polkowska, D. 2019. Does the App Contribute to the Precarization of Work? A Case of Uber Drivers in Poland, Partecipazione e Conflitto, 12(3).
  2. Polkowska, D. 2019. Uber jako socjo-techniczna sieć. Zastosowanie teorii aktora-sieci do analizy pracy platformowej, Studia Socjologiczne, 4 (235), DOI: 10.24425/sts.2019126162
  3. Filipek, K i D. Polkowska, 2019. The Latent Precariousness of Migrant Workers: a Study of Ukrainians Legally Employed in Poland, Journal of International Migration and Integration, DOI: 10.1007/s12134-019-00708-6 (published online 16.09.2019).
  4. Kolasińska, E., D. Polkowska i P. Wegenschimmel. 2019. Środowisko pracy i role socjologów zakładowych oraz ich doświadczenia zawodowe, Przegląd Socjologiczny 68(3) DOI: 10.26485/PS/2019/68.3/2 (w druku).
  5. Polkowska, D. i K. Filipek. 2019. Grateful Precarious Worker? Ukrainian Migrants in Poland, Review of Radical Political Economics, DOI: 10.1177/0486613419857295 (First Published September 18, 2019)
    Polkowska, D. 2018. Od proletariatu do prekariatu. Ciągłość czy zmiana? Próba analizy, Prakseologia, 160: 41-67.
  6. Polkowska, D. 2018. Socjolog – prekariusz? O tożsamości zawodowej absolwentów socjologii. Górnośląskie Studia Socjologiczne. Seria Nowa, 9 (1): 96-106.
  7. Polkowska, D. 2017, The Feminisation of Precarity. Poland Compared to Other Countries, Annales. Etyka w życiu gospodarczym. vol. 20, nr 8, s. 119-136.
  8. Polkowska, D. 2016. Work at home, home at work: difficulties in achieving work-life balance in selected European countries, Polish Sociological Review, 2/2016, s.191-208.
  9. Polkowska, D. 2015. Linkages between work and family - the conflict perspective - theoretical approach, In: Work, ties, integration, t. II, eds. U. Swadźba, B. Pactwa, M. Żak, Silesia University Press, Katowice, p. 73-86.
  10. Polkowska, D. (ed.) 2014. The Value of Work in The Contemporary Society, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, United Kingdom. ISBN: 978-184888-357-4
  11. Polkowska, D. 2014. Men Between Work and Family: Whether Difficulties in Achieving Work-life Balance Also Apply to Men? Poland Compared to Other Countries, In: The Value of Work in Contemporary Society, ed. D. Polkowska, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, s. 93-102.
  12. Polkowska, D. 2014. Introduction: The New Meanings of Work in the Contemporary World, In: The Value of Work in Contemporary Society, ed. D. Polkowska, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, s. vii-xii.
  13. Polkowska, D. 2015. Precarity in higher education, Dialog: 2, s. 39-43.
  14. Polkowska, D. 2014. Parental Movements in Poland: Success or Failure? The Cases of First Quarter Mothers and Save the Little Ones, Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, 1(9), Spring 2014.
  15. Polkowska, D. 2014. Men in the private sphere – a fiction or reality? Journal of Law, Economics and Sociology, 4: 351-364.
  16. Polkowska, D. 2014. Why scientific pipeline is still leaking? Women scientists in Poland and their work-life balance. International Studies in Sociology of Education, Vol. 24, Nr 1, s. 24-44.
  17. Polkowska, D. 2013. Work-life balance possible or not? Examples of good practice in selected universities. Humanizacja pracy, nr 4, s. 137-152.
  18. Polkowska, D. & I. Łucjan. 2013. Changes in professional activity of women in selected EU countries based on data from Eurostat. Comparative analysis. Nierówności społeczne a wzrost gospodarczy. Nr 33, s.140-148.
  19. Polkowska, D. 2013. Women Scientists in the Leaking Pipeline: Barriers to the Commercialisation of Scientific Knowledge by Women. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, Vol 8, Nr 2, s. 156-165.
  20. Polkowska, D. 2012. Women's path to politics - international comparison, Culture and History Vol 22, Available at: (25.08.2012)
  21. Polkowska, D. 2012. Why do women enter politics? Qualitative Sociology Review, Vol. VIII, issue 3, p. 85-113.
  22. Polkowska, D. 2011. Collective buying as an example of marketing to women communications, Scientific Papers of the Poznan University of Economics, Issue 209, Poznan, p. 520-530.
  23. Polkowska, D. 2011. Social shopping as a tool for word of mouth marketing on-line, The Economic Problems of Services, nr 74, Scientific Papers of the University of Szczecin, Issue 662, Szczecin, p. 411-426.
  24. Polkowska, D. 2011. Organizational Culture and Good Practices Rules in Higher Education Schools, in: Cultural diversity of national, regional and organizational identity, ed: Oksana Kozłowa, Agnieszka Kołodziej-Durnaś, Szczecin, p. 246-263.
  25. Polkowska, D. 2010. Internet as a promotional tool. Selected issues, in:Information society, social and cultural conditions, ed: Piotr Setlak, Piotr Szulich, Tarnobrzeg, p. 421-437.
  26. Polkowska, D. 2010. The place of public relations in science. Outline of the problem, in: PR In PR, twenty years Polish public relations industry, ed: Joanna Dziedzic, Aleksandra Gackowska, Tomasz Gackowski, Warsaw, p. 126-132
  27. Polkowska, D. 2010. Integrative function of online forums on the example of peer forum, in: The Agora or Hyde Park? : the Internet as a social space for minority groups, ed: Łucja Kapralska, Bożena Pactwa, Krakow, p. 215-224.
  28. Polkowska, D. 2010. Research on gender inequality in social life, Annales UMCS Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia VOL.XXXIII 2008, UMCS, Lublin, p. 139-156
  29. Polkowska, D. 2010. Word of mouth marketing in Internet - a way to fight crisis?, in: Partnership and Cooperation and the crisis of economic and social development in Central and Eastern Europe, ed: Slawomir Partycki, Lublin, p. 443-454.
  30. Polkowska, D. 2008. E-relationships and on-line love in today’s society, in: E-business, e-society in Central and Eastern Europe, ed. S. Partycki, KUL, Lublin, T. 2, p. 171-175.
  31. Polkowska, D. 2008. Tokenism in modern enterprises. Characteristics of the phenomenon, in: Homo Creator or Homo Ludens. New forms of activity and leisure time, ed: Wojciech Muszyński, Marek Sokołowski, Toruń, p. 56-67.
  32. Polkowska, D. 2007. Barriers to women's access to the labor market and gender contract, Journal of Law, Economics and Sociology, vol. 1, p. 231-243.
  33. Polkowska, D. 2006. Flexible forms of employment - a chance for older people, in: Old age and aging as the experience of individuals and human communities, ed: Jerzy T. Kowalewski, Piotr Szukalski, University of Lodz, Łodz, p. 33-38.
  34. Polkowska, D. 2006. Telework as a form of activation for young mothers, in: New Economy and Society, ed: Sławomir Partycki, T. 2, Lublin, p. 396-399.
  35. Polkowska, D. 2005. Consumption for show as a form of communication. Selected problems., in: Religion and the Economy, ed:  Sławomir Partycki, Lublin, p. 421-427.
  36. Polkowska, D. 2005. Barriers and difficulties in Lublin after the integration with the European Union in the opinion of local officials, Ziemia Lubelska, vol 31/32, p. 46-47.


Room 139 - Ist floor

Pl. Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej 4

20-031 Lublin, Poland