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Grażyna Stachyra (Ph.D.) is associate professor of Social Communication at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. She was (from 2012- 2018) a Vice-chair of Radio Research Section at ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association) and a member of Radio Section of Polish Communication Association. She is also a trainer of voice emission, NGO consultant and former radio journalist (i.e. Head of News Department at Radio Centrum in Lublin). Her research interests include anthropological contexts of radio communication, radio aesthetics, the theory of radio genres and convergence process in modern radio among others.
Ważniejsze publikacje:
Gatunki audycji w radiu sformatowanym, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2008
Rozrywka w mediach i komunikacji społecznej. Wybrane zagadnienia, P. Nowak. M. Piechota, G. Stachyra, Wydawnictwo WSPA, Lublin 2012
Radio i społeczeństwo, G. Stachyra, E. Pawlak-Hejno (red.), Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2011
Radio – Community, Challenges, Aesthetics, (ed.) G. Stachyra, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2013
Radio Relations. Policies and aesthetics of the medium, G. Stachyra, M. Oliveira, & T. Bonini, (Eds.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, pp. 222.
The Radio Plays Games [w:] European Journal of Communication, Volume 27 (3) 2012, London: Sage , pp. 241-256
Radio tuned for work. Draft of research, [w:] Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio K: Politologia, Vol. XX, 1, 2013, s. 231-251
The communicational aspects of radio convergence process – remarks upon “the radio on vision” and web-radio, in: Convergence: Media in Future, (eds.) A. Baczyński, M. Drożdż, IDIKS UPJPII, Cracow 2012, s. 179-197.
The Radio afterlife. Three spheres of communication and community,[ in:] Oliveira, M., Portela, P., Santos, L.A. (2012) (Eds.), Radio evolution, Conference ProceedingsISBN 978-989-97244-9-5, pp. 393-403 http://www.lasics.uminho.pt/ojs/index.php/radioevolution
Radio charitainment. A case study of Radio Eska’s campaign ‘We undress to dress’ [w:] G. Stachyra (ed.), Radio – Community, Challenges, Aesthetics, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2013
Radio jako przestrzeń dla rytuału [w:] Media. Kultura. Komunikacja Społeczna, Instytut Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn, No 9 2013, s. 9-23.
Radio Wnet: From mainstream to grassroots. A case study of productive listeners, [w:] Radio Audiences and Participation in the Age of Network Society, eds. T. Bonini, B. Monclùs (eds.), Routledge, New York 2015
Radio w środowisku pracy, „Humanizacja Pracy” 4(278), Płock 2014, s. 133-147.
Listeners’ obligations in ‘expression seeking’ radio dialogues, [w:] Radio: the Resilient Medium, eds.M. Oliveira, G. Stachyra, G. Starkey, Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies, University of Sunderland 2014.
Radio in the workplace. A liminal medium between work and leisure, [w:] Media Culture & Society, Vol. 1(18) 2015, London: Sage.
Transformations of radio aesthetics,International Journal "Culture", No 11, 2015, pp. 191-200.
The theory of parasocial interaction (intimacy at a distance) in communication practices of contemporary radio, w: Stachyra, G; Oliveira, M. & Bonini, T. (Eds.) Radio Relations. Policies and aesthetics of the medium, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 93-113.
Public radio and the problem of demographic change. The presenters’ perspective on senior citizens’ well-being factors in Polish Radio programmes, Central European Journal of Communication, vol. 11, No 2 (21), Fall 2018, s. 198-217. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19195/1899-5101.11.2(21).6
Leena Ripatti-Torniainen, Grażyna Stachyra, The human core of the public realm: women prisoners’ performed ‘radio’ at the Majdanek concentration camp, „Media Culture & Society”, 9 May 2019, Open Access: https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443719848584
Grażyna Stachyra and Paweł Perła (2023), Aestheticization of radio and its role in the construction of the world in Grand Theft Auto, “Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media”, 21:2, pp. 171–83