Jednostki i pracownicy - książka adresowa

dr hab. Przemysław Mroczek

Winter semester 2024/2025:
- Monday: 9:00-11:00
- Tuesday: 12:00-13:00
- Room 121A, 1st floor
- MS Teams (during consultation hours and beyond - please contact me in advance by e-mail)
- UMCS Virtual Campus - chat, on each of the courses currently running


Instytut Nauk o Ziemi i Środowisku UMCS, pok. 121A, Al. Kraśnicka 2D
20-718 Lublin

Personal information

Scientific interests:

  • Quaternary palaeogeography, with particular reference to analyses of loess-soil sequences
  • application of microscopic techniques in the study of rocks, sediments and soil horizons
  • application of laser diffraction techniques in studies of particles of different genesis (natural, artificial)
  • application of sediment chromaticity parameters for the analysis of environmental changes
  • history of Lublin and natural conditions of the city location
  • astrotourism in Poland and worldwide
  • e-learning in science education
  • ergonomics and organisation of the work of a scientist and a university student
  • protection of intellectual property in science and higher education
  • open access in science and higher education
  • Theory and practice of running events
  • wikipedist - author/co-author of over 100 entries in the field of scientific interests in the Polish and English versions of Wikipedia

Current functions:

  • Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
  • Member of the Board of Division V. Lublin Scientific Society
  • Board member of the Lublin Division of the Polish Geographical Society
  • member of the Committee on Quaternary Palaeogeography of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • member of the Committee for the Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
  • academic editor PLOS ONE
  • web coordinator of the Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin
  • member of European Geosciences Union (EGU)

Teaching activities (academic year 2024/2025):

  • Field exercises in topography - convertatrium (Geography, 1st year, 1st degree)
  • Military activities and threats to the geographical environment (Military Geography, 2nd year, 1st degree)
  • Functioning of geosystems - lecture and laboratory (Military Geography, 2nd year, 1st stage)
  • Modern surveying techniques - lecture and lab (Spatial Management, 1st year, 1st degree)
  • Labour organisation and property protection - lecture (Geography, 1st year, 1st degree)
  • Work organisation and property protection - lecture (Geography, 1st year, 1st degree)
  • Labour organization and protection of intellectual property - lecture (Tourism and Recreation, I year, I degree)
  • Labour organisation and fundraising - lecture (Geography, 2nd year, 2nd stage)
  • Land surveying with elements of geodesy - lecture and laboratory (Military Geography, 1st year, 1st degree)
  • Methods of absolute dating in geoarchaeology - seminar (Geoarchaeology, 1st year, 1st degree)

Teaching schedule (winter semester 2023/2024)

Scientific Activity

My most important scientific publications

Last publications:

  • Kupryjanowicz M., Fiłoc M., Drzymulska D., Poska A., Suchora M., Żarski M., Mroczek P., 2021. Environmental changes of the stadial/interstadial type during the Late Saalian (MIS-6) – Multi-proxy record at the Wola Starogrodzka site, central Poland. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 110420.
  • Łanczont M., Komar M., Madeyska T., Mroczek, P., Standzikowski K., Hołub B., Fedorowicz S., Sytnyk O., Bogucki A., Dmytruk R., Yatsyshy, A., Koropetskyi R., Tomeniuk O., 2022. Spatio-temporal variability of topoclimates and local palaeoenvironments in the Upper Dniester River Valley: Insights from the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic key-sites of the Halych region (western Ukraine). Quaternary International 632, 112-131. 
  • Łanczont M., Madeyska T., Mroczek, P., Komar M., Hołub B., Standzikowski K., Fedorowicz S., 2023. Reconstruction of the environmental conditions during the earliest Palaeolithic occupations in the Podillia Upland (W Ukraine) and the formation of archaeological layers. CATENA 221, 106753.
  • Łanczont M., Mroczek P., Komar M., Fedorowicz S., Woronko B., Nawrocki J., Frankowski Z., Standzikowski K., 2022. A remarkable last glacial loess sedimentation at Roxolany in the Dniester Liman (Southern Ukraine). Quaternary Science Reviews, 285, 107521. 
  • Łanczont M., Mroczek P., Komar M., Fedorowicz S., Woronko B., Nawrocki J., Frankowski Z., Standzikowski K., 2022. Reply to the comment on “A remarkable last glacial loess sedimentation at Roxolany in the Dniester Liman (Southern Ukraine)” by Łanczont et al. (2022). Quaternary Science Reviews, 297, 107835. 
  • Łanczont M., Połtowicz-Bobak M., Bobak D., Mroczek P., Nowak A., Komar M., Standzikowski K. 2021. On the edge of eastern and western culture zones in the early Late Pleistocene. Święte 9 – A new epigravettian site in the south-east of Poland. Quaternary International 587–588, 172–188.
  • Moska P., Sokołowski R. J., Zieliński P., Mroczek P., Piotrowska N., Jary Z., Raczyk J., Szymak A., Wojtalak A., Poręba G., Łopuch M., Skurzyński J., Krawczyk M., Tudyka K., Ustrzycka A., Hrynowiecka A. (2023). The Role and Frequency of Wildfires in the Shaping of the Late Glacial Inland Dunes – A Case Study from the Korzeniew Site (Central Poland). Geochronometria, 50(1), 100–112.
  • Moskalewicz, D., Szczuciński, W., Mroczek, P., 2022. Characterization of storm surge deposits along the shore of the Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) applying heavy mineral analysis. Quat. Int. 630, 34–47.
  • Moskalewicz D., Dzieduszyńska D., Elwirski Ł., Mroczek P., Petera-Zganiacz J., Tylmann K., Woźniak P.P., 2022. Recognition of sedimentary environments using handheld gamma-ray spectrometry in Pleistocene Fennoscandian Ice Sheet glaciogenic basin, northern and central Poland. Mar. Pet. Geol. 140, 105679. 
  • Poręba G., Śnieszko Z., Moska P., Mroczek P., Malik I., 2019, Interpretation of soil erosion in a polish loess area using OSL, 137Cs, 210Pbex, dendrochronology and micromorphology – case study: Biedrzykowice site (S Poland). Geochronometria, 46, 1, 57-78.
  • Szeliga M., Dobrowolski R., Mroczek P., Chodorowski J., Furmanek M., Pidek I.A., Lityńska-Zając M., Makowiecki D., Gawryjołek-Szeliga K., Bartmiński P., Siłuch M., Demczuk P., 2020. Early agricultural colonisation of peripheral areas of loess uplands: new data from Sandomierz Upland, Poland. Antiquity, 94(377), e28. 
  • Wilczyński J., Šída P., Kufel-Diakowska B., Mroczek P., Pryor A., Oberc T., Sobieraj D., Lengyel G., 2020. Population mobility and lithic tool diversity in the Late Gravettian – The case study of Lubná VI (Bohemian Massif). Quaternary International 587–588, 103-126, 
  • Wilczyński J., Žaár O., Nemergut A., Kufel-Diakowska B., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Mroczek P., Páll-Gergely B., Oberc T., Lengyel G., 2020. The Upper Palaeolithic at Trenčianske Bohuslavice, Western Carpathians, Slovakia. Journal of Field Archaeology, 45:4, 270-292, DOI:10.1080/00934690.2020.1733334 
  • Żogała B., Mroczek P., Łanczont M., Stan-Kłeczek I., 2023. Electrical resistivity tomography as a modern tool for identifying loess covers – case study the Magdalenian site Wilczyce 10 (Sandomierz Upland, Poland). Geological Quarterly, 67: 58.