Monitoring of the gully - Kolonia Celejów

Monitoring of the development of the gully in Kol. Celejów on the Nałęczów Plateau, coordinated by dr hab. Jan Rodzik, Prof. UMCS (Department of Hydrology and Climatology) includes:

  • recording the intensity and size of precipitation with the A-STER pluviograph;
  • registration of water outflow and suspension based on Thalimedes OTT water level meter, Thomson triangular overflow and analysis of water samples taken during the runoff;
  • registration of changes in the largest active cut based on TLS laser scanning performed twice a year.

Selected publications:

  • Furtak T., Rodzik J., 2007; Charakterystyka odpływu ze zlewni wąwozowej na Wyżynie Lubelskiej. [w:] red. Z. Michalczyk, Obieg wody w środowisku naturalnym i przekształconym, Badania hydrograficzne w poznawaniu środowiska, 8, Wyd. UMCS, 219-226.
  • Kociuba W., Janicki G., Rodzik J., 2014; 3D laser scanning as a new tool of assessment of erosion rates in forested loess gullies (case study: Kolonia Celejów, Lublin Upland). Annales UMCS, B, 69 (1); 107-116.
  • Kociuba W., Janicki G., Rodzik J., Stępniewski K., 2015; Comparison of volumetric and remote sensing methods (TLS) for assessing the development of a permanent forested loess gully. Nat. Hazards, 79, 139-158.
  • Rodzik J., 2008; Wpływ deszczów ulewnych i roztopów na rozwój wąwozu lessowego. Landform Analysis, 8, 56-59.
  • Rodzik J., Furtak T., Zgłobicki W., 2009; The impact of snowmelt and heavy rainfall runoff on erosion rates in a gully system, Lublin Upland, Poland. Earth Surf. Proces. Landforms, 34, 1938-1950. 


Control section at the ravine outlet in the Kolonia Celejów with Thomson's triangular overflow, staff gauge and water level gauge during the snowmelt run-off (photo: J. Rodzik)

  Scanning (TLS) of the cut at the bottom of the gully in the Kolonia Celejów - at the scanner by dr hab. Waldemar Kociuba, Prof. UMCS (photo: J. Rodzik)


The front of the cut of the bottom of the gully in the Kolonia Celejów during the periodical run-off after the flooding rainfall - at the scanner dr hab. Waldemar Kociuba, Prof. UMCS (photo: J. Rodzik)