Data Labs - meeting with Capgemini (15.05)

  • Grupa docelowa
    Studenci, Absolwenci
  • Organizator
    Biuro Rozwoju Kompetencji UMCS, Wydział Ekonomiczny UMCS
  • Miejsce
    Wydział Ekonomiczny UMCS

Biuro Rozwoju Kompetencji oraz Wydział Ekonomiczny UMCS zapraszają na spotkanie z przedstawicielami firmy Capgemini. Wydarzenie odbędzie się w 15 maja o godz. 10:15 w bibliotece na Wydziale Ekonomicznym. Spotkanie będzie prowadzone w języku angielskim.

The Competence Development Center UMCS and the Faculty of Economics of UMCS invite you to meetings with companies whose work is based on data science and business analysis.
During the meetings, you will meet people working in international teams, learn about the recruitment requirements and learn about the everyday challenges awaiting employees.
When: 15th May
What time: 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Where: Library of the Faculty of Economics
The meeting will be held in English.

What will the meeting be about?
  •  A short introduction about Capgemini,
  •  CV do's and don'ts in accordance with best practice,
  •  Preparation for the recruitment process: a holistic look at all elements,
  •  Capgemini candidate profile.

The company will be talked about by Adam Donat :

A graduate of Russian philology, an enthusiast of football, heavy electronic music and Japanese culture, currently working as an Infrastructure Engineer. He has been in love with the IT world for many years and constantly develops his and his colleagues' competences. Actively participates in recruitment interviews and onboarding processes.

We invite students of all faculties of UMCS

Zapraszamy studentów i studentki wszystkich wydziałów UMCS


    Data dodania
    13 maja 2024