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dr Joanna Jabłońska-Hood

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Joanna Jabłońska-Hood

Starting from 17.06., my visiting hours will be held every Monday between 8.30-11.00.

If you need to contact me urgently, please write an email or contact me on Teams. I will try to respond asap.






UMCS headquarters
Pl. Maria Curie-Skłodowskiej 4a
20-031 Lublin

O sobie

Academic interests

My main area of study is humour in all its shapes and forms, with a particular focus on English humour. 

Some other fields of academic interest incorporate the following:

conceptual integration theory, aka blending

pragmatics, cognitive pragmatics with a special attention to relevance theory and its uses, Gricean model and speaker's intentions upon language using

communication in language(s)

cultural dimension of language use 

manipulations of meaning 

British culture, identity and mentality



English humour across the ages  

Działalność naukowa

Most recent publications include the following:

What is in a humorous (con)text? In: What's in a Text? Inquiries into Textual Cornucopia, eds. Głaz, A., Kowalewski, H. & A. Weremczuk, 2012, 31-39, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Mental Spaces Beyond and Within. A Conceptual Blending Analysis of Monty Python's Humour, w:
Within Language, Beyond Theories (Volume 1), Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, eds. A. Bondaruk i A. Prażmowska, 2015, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Is English humour intended to be funny? On the recognition of comic intentions and relevance theory in humour creation, w: Challenging Ideas and Innovative Approaches, eds. M. Rusinek, grudzień 2015, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

A Conceptual Blending Theory of Humour. Selected British Comedy Productions in Focus. 2015. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin: Peter Lang GmbH (Monograph)

Integracja pojęciowa jako fundamentally mechanizm kreatywności ludzkiej w języku. O wykorzystaniu teorii amalgamatów w analizie humoru angielskiego. 2016. W: Annales UMCS, Sectio FF Philologiae, VOL. XXXIV, str. 155-168. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS.

Humour as a carrier of memory within culture. A few remarks on the English sense of humour and its relation to the collective memory of the British society, seen from the perspective of cognitive integration theory. 2016. W: Horyzonty Wychowania, ed. Bożena Sieradzka-Baziur, 2016, Vol. 15, No.36, 87-105, Kraków: Akademia Ignatianum.

Is Humour a Way to a Fuller Comprehension of Religion? A Few Remarks on the English Sense of Humour in Light of Religion. In: Ways to Religion (Volume 1), eds. A. R. Knapik, K. Buczek, P. Chruszczewski, R. L. Lanigan i J. R. Rickford, 2017, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Filologicznej we Wrocławiu.

Cognition in context. New insights into language, culture and the mind. 2019. eds. Enrique Bernardez, Joanna Jabłońska-Hood & Katarzyna Stadnik. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin: Peter Lang GmbH.

Does conceptual integration theory possess the cognitive toolkit to explain the comic? Building bridges between diverse fields of linguistics in respect of the English humour. W: Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium, ed. Władysław Chłopicki, 2019, Vol. 4/1, 1-26, Kraków: Tertium.

Is blending a godsend or a curse? An attempt at the theory's assessment from the cognitive linguistic perspective. W: Prace Językoznawcze, ed. Maria Biolik, 2019 XXI/IV, 31-58, Olsztyn: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego.

Conceptual integration theory and British humour: an analysis of the sitcom Miranda. W: The European Journal of Humour Research, ed. Władysław Chłopicki, 2020, Vol. 7 (4), 47-67, Kraków: Tertium. 

How do the English Project Themselves? Notes on the Selfhood and Identity Referring to the English, as Seen From the Perspective of Humour Studies. W: Przegląd Humanistyczny, ed. Tomasz Wójcik, 2020, Vol. 2, 19-48, Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski.

What is the impact of multimodality and intersubjectivity on the English humour? W: Horyzonty Wychowania, eds. Anna Błasiak & Wit Pasierbek, 2020, Vol. 19, Nr 52, 83-92, Kraków: Akademia Ignatianum.

Ewelina Prażmo & Joanna Jabłońska-Hood, Metaphorical lexical blends related to Brexit: cognitive processes of meaning construction and discursive effects. W: Lege Artis - Language Yesterday Today Tomorrow. 2022, Vol. 7, Nr 1, 120-156.


Recently attended conferences:

23 konferencja PASE, Lublin 7-9 April 2014, presentation title: Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition ... On relevance theory as applied to humour explanation.

Lingbaw, Lublin 6-7 November 2014, presentation title: Is English humour intended to be funny? On the recognition of comic intentions and relevance theory in humour creation.

WAYS TO RELIGION, Wrocław 6-7 June 2014, presentation title: Is humour a way to a fuller comprehnension of religion? A few remarks on the English sense of humour in light of religion.

Konferencja Językoznawstwo Kognitywne PTJK, Lublin 24-26 September 2015, presentation title: Blending: potential problems versus the state of contemporary research.

LAFAL 4 Theoretical Issues in Humour: Building Bridges across Disciplines, Łódź 16-17 March 2016, presentation title: Is conceptual integration a genuine contender for a humour theory? An analysis of the paradigm's strengths and weaknesses with regard to English humour.


International Association for Cognitive Semiotics 2016, Lublin 20-22 June 2016, presentation title: Multimodality and its Impact on the Notion of Linguistic Disparity that Creates Humour

Obraz między sacrum i profanum. Trzecia Ogólnopolska Konferencja Interdyscyplinarna z cyklu: Co i jak poznajemy przez obrazy? Lublin/Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą 12-14 October 2016, presentation title: Sacrum vis-à-vis profanum w obrazowaniu Monty Pythona.


PILL, Łódź 12-13 May, 2017, presentation title: How do the English project themselves? Notes on the selfhood and identity with respect to  the English as seen from the perspective of humour studies.


Humor Research Project Conference, Sosnowiec 4-5 April, 2019, UŚ, presentation title: Are you having a laugh? British humour as seen through the lens of a cognitive linguistic paradigm, i.e. conceptual integration theory


Conferences organised:

Culture • Cognition • Communication. (Inter)cultural perspectives on language and the mind (ICPLM 2017), 14-15 September 2017, Lublin


Statistics for linguists with R (i.e. Rbootcamp), 3-7 September, 2018, Lublin,13976.htm 


Culture, COgnition, Communication. Language and culture in social cognition, 21-22 November, 2019


Other achievements:

regular participation in Lubelski Festiwal Nauki

a series of lectures on English humour and its peculiarities (summer term 2015/2016) - wykłady ogólnouniwersyteckie (general university lectures)

an invited talk at the British Library during the festival of the British Culture "Yes, we're open!": 04.12.2017 "Are You Having a Laugh? The Strange Case of the English Humour"


