Jednostki i pracownicy - książka adresowa

dr Milena Bieniek


 Konsultacje stacjonarne wtorek 10:00-11:30 żółty tydzień i piątek 10-11:30 niebieski tydzień, konsultacje zdalne poniedziałek, 10-11:30, pok. 1115 Rektorat, na Teams kod do zespołu 1n231gk. Konsultacje po umówieniu się drogą mailową.


Plac Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej 5
20-031 Lublin

O sobie

1999 magister matematyki

2006 doktor nauk matematycznych

Działalność naukowa

Kybernetika Dr M. Bieniek, prof. D. Szynal On entropies of random partitions of the unit segment, 44, 1, 75-94, 2007

Comminications In Statistics. Theory and Methods. M. Bieniek Projection mean-variance bounds on expectations of kth record values from restricted families, 36, 4, 670-679, 2007

Logistyka. M. Bieniek, Stochastic demand in inventory location 4, 1665-1672, 2014

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. M. Bieniek, prof. D. Szynal On kth rekord times, rekord values and their moments, 137, 1, 12-22, 2007

Acta Universitatis Lodzienis, Folia Oeconomica, Globalizacja a lokalizacja produkcji w warunkach niepewności popytu, 1 (298), 165-176, 2014

Omega. M. Bieniek. International Journal of Managemant Sciences. M.Bieniek,Note of facility location with stochastic demand, 2015.

 Optimization Letters. M. Bieniek. Vendor and retailer managed consignment inventory with additive price-dependent demand. 13 (8), 1757-1771, November 2019.

European Journal of Operational Research. M. Bieniek. The ubiquitous Nature of Inventory: Vendor Managed Consignment Inventory in adverse market conditions. 0nline 2019

Trends in Food Science and Technology. A. Kowalska, L. Manning, M. Bieniek. Food supplements' non-conformity in Europe - Poland: a case study. 2019

Bieniek, M.; Bartering: Price-Setting Newsvendor Problem with Barter Exchange. Sustainability 13, 12, 6684, 2021. NZiJ, CS 5.0, IF 3.889.

Manning, L.; Bieniek, M.; Kowalska, A.; Ward, R.; Dietary supplements, harm associated with synthetic adulterants and potential governance solutions. Crime, Law and Social Change, 2021. IF 1.612.

Kowalska, A.; Ratajczyk, M.; Manning, L.; Bieniek, M.; Mącik, R.; “Young and Green” a Study of Consumers’ Perceptions and Reported Purchasing Behaviour towards Organic Food in Poland and the United Kingdom. Sustainability 13, 23, 13022, 2021. NZiJ, 100 pkt, IF 3.889.

Wojciechowska-Solis, J.; Kowalska, A.; Bieniek, M.; Ratajczyk, M.;Manning, L.; Comparison of the Purchasing Behaviour of Polish and United Kingdom Consumers in the Organic Food Market during the COVID-19 Pandemic.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, 3, 1137, 2022. NZiJ, 140 pkt,, IF 4.614.

Bieniek, M.; The Pandemic-Type Demand Shocks in the Mean-Variance Newsvendor Problem. Management and Production Engineering Review 13, 2022. NZiJ, 70 pkt.

Kowalska, A.; Bieniek, M.; Meeting the European green deal objective of expanding organic farming. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy 17, 607-633, 2022. NZiJ, 100 pkt.

Bieniek, M.; Barter exchange as the way to deal with excess inventory: newsvendor problem with multiplicative demand. Operations Research and Decisions NZiJ, 70 pkt.