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The English Students’ Association, the Department of English and American Studies and the Department of Linguistics at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland, are pleased to announce the INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ CORNER 2022: LITERATURE – CULTURE & MEDIA –LINGUISTICS – DIDACTICS. The 7th edition of the doctoral and graduate student conference will be held online on April 26, 2022.
We are pleased to announce that this year's keynote lectures will be delivered by Dr Robert Westerfelhaus and Michelle Y. Hurtubise.
Robert Westerfelhaus is a Professor at the College of Charleston, in South Carolina, where he has been teaching in the Department of Communication since 2002. In 2009-2010, Dr Westerfelhaus was a Fulbright Fellow at UMCS in Lublin, Poland. He is currently back at UMCS as a Fulbright Fellow and the Distinguished Chair of Humanities for the 2021-2022 academic year. Dr Westerfelhaus has published numerous journal articles, book chapters, and encyclopedia entries about American popular culture as viewed through the dual lenses of rhetoric and semiology.
Michelle Y. Hurtubise is a Visual Anthropology Ph.D. candidate at Temple University researching narrative sovereignty, diverse festival networks, and BIPOC artist support systems through the imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, the development of Kin Theory, a global Indigenous media makers database, and the 4th World Indigenous Media Lab. With an interdisciplinary background in arts and activism, she did human rights and media work in Rio de Janeiro as part of her Master’s thesis at New York University, and she received an MFA from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Michelle has worked with the Center for Artistic Activism, the Center for Media, Culture and History, and currently with the Nia Tero foundation.
Students interested in participating in the conference are invited to fill in the proposal form. Please select the panel in which you would like to participate and include an abstract of no more than 300 words. Proposal deadline is March 31, 2022.
There is no conference fee. However, you might consider donating money to the fund created at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University to provide emergency financial assistance to the Ukrainian students and their families.
Please note that selected papers will be published in the 8th volume of an open access peer-reviewed journal New Horizons in English Studies (40 points on the Ministerial List).
For further information please check the Conference’s official website,21557.htm. Please feel free to contact the Students’ Corner 2022 Planning Committee via e-mail: if you have any questions regarding the Students’ Corner 2022 Conference.
The Students’ Corner Organizing Committee