LanguageCert LTE Speaking

Speaking English and effectively communicating with others is the most important skill in the world. All your knowledge will not show to the world unless you can talk about it in English language.

Important: LanguageCert LTE Certificates are valid for life, they do not have an expiry date!

LanguageCert LTE A1-C2 Exam:

  • Designed specifically for university students approaching graduation and entering the workforce.
  • Valid for life, does not expire!
  • Offers Office English certification, which is essential for professionals in today's globalized job market.
  • Available online, with the convenience and comfort of online administration, ensuring security and privacy.
  • Adaptive in nature, providing a personalized experience that assesses your current level of knowledge and potential for growth.
  • International recognition of your language skills, which can enhance your academic and professional career prospects.
  • Demonstrates to employers your commitment to improving your language skills, making you a valuable asset in the job market.
  • Enhances your confidence in using English in the workplace, allowing you to communicate effectively with colleagues and clients from around the world.

So, if you're a university student looking to boost your career prospects, consider taking the LanguageCert LTE A1-C2 Exam to demonstrate your language skills and set yourself apart in the job market!

Use this promo code to register with a discount, you can redeem the discount anywhere in the world!

Discount/promo code: C2E044 (for students registering in Poland)

2A9098 (for students registering outside Poland)

Book your secure, online exam here:



LTE Speaking is an approximately 15-minute interview between the candidate and the interlocutor who will ask you questions to allow you to show your maximum speaking performance. The interlocutor will not be the one deciding on your level and number of points you will be awarded, your Speaking exam will be evaluated by a different team at LanguageCert.

During the exam interview you will be asked questions with increasing level of difficulty, from your name and its spelling to expressing your views and opinions on different subjects and discussing general and office related topics.


APPLICATION of the LTE A1-C2 exam, why take LTE

LanguageCert Test of English (LTE) certificate will get you invited into a job interview faster! Recruiters from all over the world trust LanguageCert certifications and having any Certificate in your portfolio is always better than any ‘declaration’ of your English knowledge. Speaking in the English language is a very important skill at every turn of your academic and professional career.