Erasmus + cooperation between UMCS and JUCo

Erasmus + cooperation between Poland and Tanzania is being developed.

The students (Esther Muga, Fredy Byamungu and Emmanuel Humba) have already arrived at the Faculty of Economics and are participating in selected Erasmus subjects. We expect academic teachers to arrive in April: Dr Davis Meela, Ms Assumpta Nalitolela, Mr Emmanuel Kikuli, and Mr Donald Maziku. Dr Grzegorz Grela, Dr Konrad Czernichowski and Mr Piotr Wetoszka will accompany them to Tanzania to conduct lectures and workshops for a week.

In Tanzania, a meeting was held for first-year students, encouraging them to apply for a travel scholarship in 2025. Dr. Konrad Czernichowski presented UMCS and the Faculty of Economics, Dr. John Tlegray and Dr. Mkubya Wambura shared their experience of conducting classes at the Faculty of Economics of UMCS, and students who returned from Erasmus (Joyce Magere, Josephat Kimbage and Elias Robert), showed numerous photos and described Lublin in only superlatives. They were particularly impressed by the smaller distance between academic teachers and students at the Faculty of Economics of UMCS than at their alma mater.


    Monika Wojtas
    Date of addition
    5 April 2024