


GENERAL Strategic Programme for the Internationalisation of...

Strategic Programme for the Internationalisation of Research at UMCS 2020-2024

The internationalisation of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University is a necessity, a challenge, but also an opportunity to improve the quality of research, to contribute to European and global science and to be successful on the international education... more
GENERAL UMCS Friday Walk & Talk – Campus Tour

UMCS Friday Walk & Talk – Campus Tour

The first edition of the UMCS Friday Walk & Talk trip kicked off today 9th October at 11:00 am. The group received a welcome message from the Rector's Proxy for Internationalization Dr. Ewelina Panas and the Director of the Promotion Centre Dr.... more
GENERAL Design thinking handbook for managers ready for the public!

Design thinking handbook for managers ready for the public!

With great pleasure we publish another intellectual output in DT.Uni project. This time a handbook for managers in higher education! more