With growing trends of globalization and related challenges and opportunities facing border regions, the concept of borderscapes is becoming increasingly important in scientific research.

'Borderscapes' is a term that refers to the complex and dynamic social, cultural, political, and economic processes that occur in and around border regions. It encompasses a wide range of phenomena that arise from the presence of borders (e.g. migration, trade, tourism, cooperation, security, conflict ). It can also be used metaphorically, such as in reference to imaginary, iconic, or symbolic,  etc. landscapes of borders.

Borderscapes are not only physical, but also cultural and social constructs, shaped by historical, political, and economic factors. They are dynamic and constantly evolving, as changes in policy, culture, technology, and global events impact on the flows of people, goods, and ideas across borders.

Borderscapes can have both positive and negative effects on the people and communities living around them. On the one hand, they can create opportunities for economic development, cultural exchange, and cross-border cooperation. On the other hand, they can also create barriers to movement, fuel conflict and tension, and exacerbate inequality and marginalization.

The conference aims to harness the potential of borderscapes for theoretical, conceptual and epistemological discussion, as well as to provide opportunities to present the current state of research on border phenomena and issues.

We are pleased to invite the participation in the conference of colleagues in the social sciences, humanities, natural sciences  and other, such as spatial design and planning sciences, who are interested in the ways that different scopes of borders function in spatial/ geographical (ecological, social, economic, cultural etc. contexts).

The conference will address a range of border-related themes, topics and approaches, including:

−      Politics/ideology in border landscapes

−      The workings of the economy in border landscapes

−      Society, culture and identity in border landscapes

−      Ownership and other legal issues in border landscapes

−      Ecological issues and processes in border landscapes

−      Natural and cultural heritage in border landscapes

−      Methodological approaches to border landscape’s studies