e-Reading invitation - Cryosphere monitoring during the XXXI UMCS Polar Expedition to Spitsbergen

This Thursday, 21 December 2023 at 5.15 p.m., we would like to invite you to an online reading organised as part of the weekly meetings prepared by the Lublin Branch of the Polish Geographical Society. The team composed of Dr hab. Piotr Zagórski prof. UMCS, Dr eng. Sara Lehmann-Konera, Maja Potęga, Michał Jarocki, Eng. Adrian Szałkowski will give a lecture entitled 'Implementation of cryosphere monitoring within the CRIOS and SPILOD programmes during the XXXI Polar Expedition of the UMCS'. The theme of the lecture will be a report on the course of the Polar Expedition and a presentation of the status of the projects' research tasks. The meeting will present issues related to the monitoring of selected elements of the cryosphere and the challenges involved in their research, both from a technical and methodological point of view.

The meeting is co-organised by the Polar Club PTG and the Lublin Scientific Society. The lecture will be held in virtual form using the Microsoft Teams platform. Link to the meeting:



    Date of addition
    18 December 2023