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The World’s Top 2% Scientists List published!
Stanford University, together with the publishing house Elsevier and SciTech Strategies, has created a ranking of 2% of the best scientists in the world. It contains 159,648 names, including 726 from Polish scientific institutions.
We are pleased to announce that there are 15 scientists from Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin who are included in this prestigious ranking of the most influential people of science in the world. The TOP 2% list contains the names of scientists from around the world whose publications are most often cited by other authors. The list includes nearly 160,000 scientists, and 726 of them work in Polish research centers. The full TOP 2% list is available at:
Among the scientists from UMCS, in the top 5th position in the world in the discipline of "geography" (out of 12,879 researchers) and 1st in the discipline of "physical geography" prof. Jean Poesen from the UMCS Institute of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management.
In the group of the first 1,000 authors in individual disciplines, another five employees of our University including two Vice Rectors: prof. Wiesław I. Gruszecki took 257th position in the discipline of "biophysics", and prof. Dorota Kołodyńska 586th in the discipline of "chemical engineering".
The following 14 researchers’ names from UMCS have been also featured among World’s Top 2% Scientists:
prof. Patryk Oleszczuk, prof. Jaco Vangronsveld, prof. Zbigniew Hubicki, prof. Emil Chibowski, prof. Andrzej Dąbrowski, prof. Mieczysław Korolczuk, prof. Stefan Sokołowski, prof. Roman Leboda, prof. Jerzy Dudek, prof. Zbigniew Krupa, prof. Krzysztof Woliński, prof. Agnieszka Nosal-Wiercińska.