
The Vibes of UMCS is back! Episode on the Life of a Student During Quarantine

The Vibes of UMCS is officialy back! 

Because of the covid-19 pandemic and social distancing rules The Vibes of UMCS team had to stop filming, however due to lessening of restrictions they are back now, strong and healthy.

As you know, most people in the world, and as well students are in quarantine, at home, staying safe and trying to contain the spread of the virus. So is our guest – Inesa. She is a UMCS student from Ukraine who stayed in Poland and is doing her best to stay active and motivated. In this episode of the Vibes the host - Ellen has connected with her via ZOOM. Inesa shared her experience with the whole situation and told us about her lifestyle during the quarantine: what she does, how she stayes in touch with family, online learning, activities and hobbies. 

The project is financed by the Polish Agency for Academic Exchange


    Ellen Chkhitadze
    Date of addition
    21 May 2020