
Lecture “Space weather: problems and solutions” (31.05.)

We would like to invote you to take part in an opened lecture of prof. Stefaan Poedts from University KULeuven in Belgium entitled: “Space weather: problems and solutions”, which will be conducted in the Institute of Computer Sciences, on 31st of May (13:00-15:00).

Prof. Dr. Stefaan Poedts is the Head of the Department of Mathematics at KU Leuven (Belgium). He will visit our University under the Visiting professor programme, co-financed by the City of Lublin. He is also Chair of the Department of Mathematics at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium and Chairman of the ESA Space Weather Working Team. He is a multiple recipient of prestigious awards and coordinator of many international projects.

Please find below the abstract of the lecture: 

The Sun is crucial for life on Earth, but the storms on the Sun can be so violent that they affect our technology and health. The term ' Space weather'  refers to the impact of the Sun on Earth and our space environment. The effects of space weather are multiple and their socio-economic impact is very important. In order to mitigate some of the damage accurate mathematical models are required that mimic the events and enable to forecast the impact. We will first define space weather and show examples of its effects on our ground-based and space-borne technology. Then we will demonstrate some models to predict the space weather and discuss the difficulties and some solutions.

To register to the lecture please fill-in the form availabe below

Registration form

Wydarzenie realizowane jest przy wsparciu finansowym Gminy Lublin, w ramach programu Visiting Professors in Lublin..png


    Date of addition
    27 May 2022