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No. 80/2022
of the Rector
of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
in Lublin
of 27 September 2022
on submitting applications in the USOSweb system by the students of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, effective from 1 October 2022
Pursuant to Article 23 sec. 2 item 11 of the Act of 20 July 2018 Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws 2022, item 574 as amended) and § 3 sec. 2 of the Appendix to Resolution No. XXIV-26.5/19 of the Senate of UMCS of 24 April 2019 on Study Regulations as amended, this is to order:
§ 1
1. In matters that do not require an administrative decision, the student submits the application to the Dean of the Faculty in the USOSweb system, module: applications, from the following catalogue:
1) for the individual programme of study,
2) for the individual course of study,
3) for the transfer of ECTS points obtained in another course of study,
4) for the change of the field of study,
5) for the transfer from full-time to part-time studies,
6) for the transfer from part-time to full-time studies,
7) for a special leave: short-term leave,
8) for a special leave: one-year leave,
9) for the possibility of pursuing additional classes – free of charge – 5% of additional ECTS points,
10) for the possibility of pursuing additional classes – on a fee-paying basis,
11) for admission for the second major or specialisation in a given field of study,
12) for the extension of the credit-and-examination session,
13) for the return of the date of the examination,
14) for the return of the date of the credit award,
15) for the postponement of the examination,
16) for the postponement of the credit award,
17) for ordering the examination commission,
18) for ordering the credit award commission,
19) for conditional registration for the next semester/year with simultaneous retaking of the course(s) failed,
20) for crediting the classes in which the student was awarded a positive mark in the previous period of study when the student retakes a semester/year of studies,
21) for retaking a semester of studies,
22) for retaking a year of studies,
23) for signing up for a subject of choice,
24) for changing a study group in a given subject,
25) for the change of the diploma thesis supervisor – optional, depending on the decision of the Dean of the Faculty,
26) for the change of the subject of the diploma thesis – optional, depending on the decision of the Dean of the Faculty,
27) for crediting internship that was completed previously,
28) for issuing a copy of the diploma in a foreign language,
29) for issuing a copy of the diploma and the diploma supplement in a foreign language,
30) for sending the diploma to the student’s place of residence with acknowledgement of delivery,
31) general application form.
2. Applications submitted in the USOSweb system shall be justified by the student and, if it is necessary, supported by suitable documents.
3. The student may be asked to deliver the original documents to the Dean’s Office. The Dean shall make the decision based on these documents.
4. The application submitted in the USOSweb system shall not be printed out and delivered to the Dean’s Office in person.
5. The decision on the application submitted in the USOSweb system shall be available for the student in electronic form. The student should familiarise themselves with the decision.
6. The decision of the Dean may be appalled by the student to the Rector. An appeal shall be filed in the traditional form via the Dean within 14 days of the service of the decision to the student in the USOSweb system.
7. Applications submitted to the Dean’s Office of the Faculty in the traditional form in person or via traditional post before the present ordinance becomes effective shall be considered by the Dean. The student shall be informed about the decision of the Dean via email.
8. Applications considered by the Dean should be printed out by the staff of the Dean’s Office of the Faculty and placed in the student’s file.
9. Application for the tuition fee waiver shall not be considered in the USOSweb system. This type of application shall be considered in accordance with The Ordinance of the Rector of UMCS in Lublin of 26 September 2019 on introducing the application forms for exemption from fees for educational services at higher education programmes commenced from the 2019/2020 academic year.
§ 2
The present ordinance becomes effective from 1 October 2022.
prof. dr hab. Radosław Dobrowolski