About project

The project Development of a modern model of didactics based on the experience of Bifröst University (Iceland) and the Faculty of Economics of UMCS (Poland) is being implemented from April 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023. The aim of the project is to raise the level of teaching and improve administrative services for students.

The project will include two workshops - one in Lublin, organized by the Faculty of Economics of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, and the other in Bifröst, organized by the local university. Their purpose will be to exchange experiences in the field of teaching methodology, with particular emphasis on classes delivered "at a distance." Conclusions from both conferences will be compiled and published on the websites of both universities, as a report of good practice in distance and blended teaching.

In addition, the project provides financing for staff mobility (teaching and administrative) from both universities. The purpose will be, among other things, to observe the way the host University is run, what teaching methods are used, and to give guest lectures. In total, the project provides financing for 16 mobilities from UMCS to Bifröst University and 10 in the opposite direction.