New fields of study at UMCS - video

Dear Candidates, ahead of you is the moment when you make the decision to choose a course of study. If you care about studies that in the future will ensure success in the labor market, we invite you to take advantage of the educational offer of our University.

This year we have prepared many novelties for you. In first degree studies we offer such majors as Technical Physics, Mediterranean Studies (historical travel), Ecobusiness and International Economic Relations. In the second degree studies, we invite you to e-Editorial and Editorial Techniques. 

Remember that in this year's recruitment you have a total of more than 80 first-, second- and unified master's degree programs and nearly 300 specialties to choose from. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer of studies. 


Join us, choose UMCS! We are waiting just for you!

 Detailed terms and conditions of recruitment can be found at: rekrutacja.umcs.en 

The material was realized by the Press Center of UMCS.


    Agnieszka Gryglicka
    Date of addition
    4 July 2022