Centrum Nauki i Kultury Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach

Centrum Nauki i Kultury Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach is concerned with activation of student science activities and animating cultural life. It supports student’s science movement, represented by student science clubs from all Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach departments and its branches in Piotrków Trybunalski and Sandomierz.

Currently there are 84 student and doctoral candidate science clubs registered at the University; hundreds of people operate within them. Among the organizations there are two student theaters “C112” and “Wyjście Ewakuacyjne”. The organizations base their operations mainly on realizing individual and group science research, presenting the results during conferences and in various scientific publications. Apart from working in science, the clubs also participate in social and artistic activities.

Studencki Klub Wspak, which exists beside the Centrum, is a space for realizing the passions of the academic community. Program board of the Klub organizes author meetings, courses, trainings and workshops, art happenings, exhibitions as well as games that aim to integrate local communities (celebrations, dancings, balls, contests, aerobic classes, dance classes).

Centrum works very closely with Uniwersyteckie Centrum Mediów which features Radio Fraszka, television studio and Akademicki Związek Sportowy.





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