Dr. Rooney's guest lecture "From saints and scholars to Christian barbarians. . . "

We invite you to a guest lecture entitled "From saints and scholars to Christian barbarians: an exploration of changing perceptions towards the medieval Irish".

The lecture will be led by Dr. Daryl Hendley Rooney, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of History, Trinity College Dublin.

28 November 2023, 10a.m.-12.30p.m.
Faculty Council Hall (room no. 9), Faculty of History and Archaeology
Department of Ancient and Medieval History, Institute of History

* Dr Daryl Hendley Rooney is historian in residence at the award-winning Little Museum of Dublin, where he acts as historian, curator and archivist. He is also an adjunct researcher in Trinity College Dublin’s ADAPT Centre working on digitization projects as part of the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland, and is lead tutor in academic writing in the Trinity Access Programmes. Daryl is historical researcher and consultant on a number of projects, including The United Irishmen, a feature-length historical documentary exploring the failed Irish rebellion of 1798. The United Irishmen will premiere at the Cork International Film Festival in November 2023. 

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    Paulina Litka
    Date of addition
    21 November 2023