


Being guided by the principle of supporting as many mobilities of UMCS staff as possible from the Erasmus+ funds, the University introduces binding at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University principles of selection and distribution of funds received from the National Agency of the Programme to support mobilities of participants in the Erasmus+ Programme – UMCS staff going abroad for teaching or training. The principles of fund distribution are defined, among others, to ensure transparency in allocation of funds, taking into consideration mobility plans in the academic year, recommendations of the National Agency and experience of the university in recent years:

1. In a period by 5 October each year UMCS staff (academic teachers, administrative staff, other) report planned mobilities for the academic year to the Office of the Erasmus+ Programme (in the Biuro ds. Obsługi Studiów i Studentów Zagranicznych, DS Grześ, ul. Langiewicza 24, room 12, phone: 815375218, 815375410) directly or through a Faculty Coordinator of the Programme:
- academic teachers submit applications in the form of the so-called Staff Mobility for Teaching – Mobility Agreement, signed by a foreign university and the head of the unit at the UMCS
- other staff, including academic teachers holding administrative positions, submit applications in the form of Staff Mobility for Training – Mobility Agreement, signed by the head of the unit at the UMCS and the training institution.
Applications submitted after the deadline can be accepted if there are sufficient funds in the Erasmus project budget to support staff mobilities.
2. The selection shall be based on the assessment of the Staff Mobility for Teaching – Mobility Agreement presented by an academic teacher and Staff Mobility for Training – Mobility Agreement presented by other staff memebers.



3. Outbound mobilities funded from funds of the Erasmus+ Programme should be linked with the scope of duties of the staff at the UMCS, and should aim at development of its occupational skills. Language courses and conferences are excluded from support from funds of the programme.
4. Additionally, in relation to candidates meeting equally the quality criteria, the University shall prefer granting support from the Programme to staff:
- employed based on an employment contract,
- participating in the Programme for the first time,
- acting as Faculty Coordinators of the Erasmus+ Programme or contact persons of the Programme in home units of the University.
5. Staff being on a leave, in particular sabbatical, health, maternity/parental leaves in the period they plan mobility for teaching or training shall not be selected or send to mobility.
6. The number of funded mobilities depends on: the number of submitted applications for mobilities in the entire University, duration of periods of stay of the staff in foreign institutions, the funds allocated by the National Agency in the financial agreement and rates of support as defined by the European Commission and the National Agency of the Programme in an appendix to the Agreement with the UMCS.
7. The University shall prefer funding of short mobilities, from 2 to 5 working days. Longer mobilities are possible, yet they shall be funded from funds of the Programme up to a maximum period of two weeks. During one mobility an academic teacher needs to carry out at least 8 hours of teaching for students of the receiving university per week or in a shorter period of teaching, and staff leaving for training needs to participate in at least 15 hours of training per week or in a shorter period of training.
8. Allocation of scholarship to the same person for a period longer than a week (5 working days) or for more than one mobility in a given academic year is possible only in justified cases and on condition that the number of applications is lower than the number of mobilities that might be funded from the budget of the Programme.
9. Allocation of funding is decided by the Recruitment Committee appointed by Deputy Rector supervising execution of the mobility agreement under the Erasmus Programme. Individuals selected for mobility, who have not received funding for the requested mobility due to lack of funds shall be entered in the waiting list.
10. Candidates admitted to recruitment have the right to appeal the decision of the Committee to Deputy Rector supervising execution of the mobility agreement under the Erasmus Programme within 7 days of the date of carrying out the selection.
11. Individuals that submit Staff Mobility for Teaching – Mobility Agreement or Staff Mobility for Training – Mobility Agreement at a later date than as defined in point 1 may be considered in the selection process in order to increase the number of UMCS staff benefiting from the Programme only when there are free funds designated for staff mobility unused by individuals from the waiting list. Selection and allocation of funding to such individuals during the academic year shall be decided by Deputy Rector supervising execution of the mobility agreement under the Erasmus + Programme.
12. The amount of funding for mobility shall be calculated multiplying the number of working days during the staff stay at a foreign receiving institution with the daily rate binding in the Erasmus+ Programme for a country concerned, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, bank holidays and days planned for travel.
13. Staff with special needs may apply, through the Office of the Erasmus+ Programme at the UMCS, for additional funding due to special needs based on principles binding in the Erasmus+ Programme – International Credit Mobility.
14. Settlement of the final funding amount shall be made based on a certificate from a foreign receiving institution confirming completion and the actual period of teaching hours.
15. The funding, referred to in point 13, may be increased by a lump sum for travel expenses to the location of teaching or training in the amount according to the so-called Distance calculator binding for the Erasmus+ Programme.
16. Funds received from the National Agency of the Programme are allocated for payment of the individual support for mobility staff of the UMCS based on an agreement between a participant – staff of the UMCS and Rector of Deputy Rector, legally representing the university.
17. Rates of funding from the Erasmus+ Programme for staff mobility and lump sums for travel support binding in a given academic year shall be defined in an Appendix hereto.