Współpraca z uniwersytetami z Kurdystanu

W ostatnich tygodniach Prorektor ds. Nauki i Współpracy Międzynarodowej, prof. Wiesław Gruszecki podpisał w umieniu UMCS dwie kolejne umowy o współpracy akademickiej z Uniwersytetami z regionu Kurdystanu: Tishk International University oraz Nawroz University.

Poniżej prezentujemy w jęz. angielskim krótkie informacje o tych Uczelniach. Jednostki zainteresowane szczegółową współpracą zapraszamy do kontaktu.

Tishk International University presents its higher education services through eight faculties and 29 scientific departments as follow:

Faculty of Nursing: Nursing Department; Faculty of Pharmacy; Pharmacy Department; Faculty of  Education: English Language Teaching (ELT), Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Computer Education Departments; Faculty of Engineering: Architecture, Civil, Interior Design, Computer engineering, Mechatronic, Petroleum & mining, Surveying& Geomantic, Aviation and Petrochemical Engineering Departments;  Faculty of Dentistry: Dentistry Department; Faculty of Administrative& Economics: Business& Management, Banking & Finance, International Relations& Diplomacy, Tourism , Marketing& Entrepreneurship and Accounting Departments;  Faculty of Law: Law Department; Faculty of Applied Sciences: Information Technologies, Medical Laboratory Analysis, and Physiotherapy Departments.

Based on the signed MoU between both universities, the collaboration areas can be in the following fields related to the above mentioned programs available at TIU based on the separate written agreement by both universities:

  • Joint and collaborative research and/ or educational work
  • Joint and collaborative cultural activities
  • Exchange of scholars, researchers, teaching staff and key (senior and junior) administration officers to further the development of mutual collaboration
  • Exchange of information, materials and scholarly publications in the those fields which are interest to both universities
  • Exchange students

Note: all the programs are delivered in English except ‘Law department’ in Arabic

Tishk International University - website

Nawroz University (NU) was established in 2004 as the first private academic institution in the Kurdistan region of Iraq (KRI). Since then, during the 18 years of its age, the NU has moved towards achieving excellent academic developments among both private and public universities of the KRI. Even though the NU started small, it did not take long for the NU to grow and show remarkable developments that fit the market needs in the KRI. The NU, now, offers its bachelor degree in fourteen programs (departments) from five colleges. The departments include Economics, Business Administration, Banking and Finance, Accounting, Tourism Science, Law, Political Science, English Language, Kurdish Language, Translation, Kurdish Studies, Computer Science and Information Technology, Computer and Communications Engineering, and Architectural Engineering.

In addition to these departments, the NU is now a place to a number of support centers, including Pedagogical Training Center, Scientific Research Center, Legal consultancy bureau, Engineering consultancy bureau, Languages Center, and Career Development Center.

The NU, has so far, graduated more than ten thousand alumni. The NU seeks to maintain its excellency in adopting scientific research dealing with the needs of society and the local market. The NU adopts a policy of permanent openness and building relationships with its local and global surroundings in order to contribute to creating a sustainable educational environment in Iraq and in the KRI in particular.

Nawroz University - website

Centrum Współpracy Międzynarodowej
tel. 81 537 5458 lub 81 537 54 98


    Data dodania
    28 stycznia 2022