KMH na 4th International Summer School

W dniach od 23 do 28 lipca 2018 r. członkowie Koła Metodologów Historii wzięli udział w 4th International Summer SchoolThe Role of Cultural Institutions in Management and Protection of Historic Cities,nthe Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development perspective,under the auspices of Polish National Commission for UNESCO. 

Słuchaczami niniejszej Szkoły były osoby z różnych krajów, z Litwy, Białorusi, Chorwacji, Węgier, Bułgarii, Gruzji, Mołdawii oraz Polski. Uczestnicy Letniej Szkoły UNESCO przez cały tydzień zajęć, wykładów, warsztatów mogli podjąć dyskusję na temat: 

  • Local communities and local institutions – their relations and roles in the heritage preservation;
  • Management of Historic Cities – Assumptions and Tools (Management Plan);
  • The Role of Cultural Institutions in Preserving the Cultural Heritage of Historic Cities As Seen in the Work of the "Grodzka Gate - NN Theatre" Centre, Lublin - Development and Structure of the Institution;
  • Not only business. Revitalization activities of the "Perła" Brewery in Lublin. Intangible heritage. History and present. Study visit;
  • Railway heritage: forms of preservation and current use in Poland;
  • Adaptation to new functions and redevelopment of industrial heritage in Poland;
  • Study visit at the Lublin Castle: History of the Castle and the Lublin Museum;
  • From restrictions to availability. Designing an educational offer in historical facilities for people with disabilities on the example of the Lublin Museum;
  • Museum of the History of the City of Lublin. Lost Museum. An example of an incorrect revitalization of a historical object carried out in the 1960s;
  • Meeting in the art conservation studio of the Lublin Museum. The role of the art conservation workshop in the museum;
  • The role of museums in the study, protection and popularization of archaeological heritage;
  • The European Heritage Label on the example of the Chapel of the Holy Trinity at the Lublin Castle. The role of promoting a historical object;
  • Monuments and their role in shaping the identity of the place;
  • Mission of the National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning. Public space is a value;
  • Workshops: A program of conservatory works in the chapel of the Holy Trinity at the Lublin Castle - historical layering;
  • Challenges in maintenance and restoration of community owned heritage by the example of "Glass House" a modernist estate in Warsaw;
  • Public space. A visit to the city center of Lublin;
  • Technical aspects of the protection of historic buildings;
  • Reconstruction and Rebuilding in the Contemporary Theory of Conservation;
  • Study visits at revitalized facilities in the Old Town in Lublin;
  • Departure by car to Zamość, World Heritage city: Visit of the Old Town.


Serdecznie dziękujemy wszystkim Organizatorom za niezwykłą przygodę i intensywną naukę przez cały tydzień, jak również za miło spędzony czas oraz dyskusje z gośćmi z zagranicy.


Członkowie KMH UMCS, Paulina Litka i Łukasz Szewczyk.

(Autorzy wpisu) 



    Katarzyna Brzyska
    Data dodania
    10 sierpnia 2018