Policy versus Practice - wykład otwarty

Serdecznie zapraszamy na wykład otwarty Pani Profesor Caroline Berggren z Uniwersytetu w Goteborgu (Szwecja), temat wykładu: "Policy versus Practice. Higher education and gender equalization as the example. State-of-the-art and some explanations."

Wykład odbędzie się 10.03.2015 (wtorek) w godzinach 9.40-11.10 w sali obrad Rady Wydziału FiS (sala nr 4), pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 4.

Kontakt z organizatorem: dr Dominika Polkowska

To study Higher Education is interesting because of the increased confidence in higher education as a means of maintaining and developing welfare. Higher education is expected to contribute to growth and welfare in EU (Europa 2020).

Gender and family background has since long been shown to be the most influential factors when it comes to higher education studies, choice of discipline and career.

Caroline Berggren, Associate Professor, (dr.habil). I currently run a project: ”Gender and class perspectives on students’ choice of higher education institutions and graduates’ choice of job location”. Our empirical base is Swedish registers (register information contains information at individual level of the total Swedish population). Registers from different sources can be merged together and individual life trajectories can be studied. Our data consists of whole birth cohorts of individuals born in the 1970s.


    Data dodania
    9 marca 2015