Young doctor to the Laboratory of Stem Cell Biotechnology

Rector of the Jagiellonian University announces a contest for the position of Postdoctoral Researcher (Research Assistant) in the Laboratory of Stem Cell Biotechnology (LSCB) at MAŁOPOLSKA CENTRE OF BIOTECHNOLOGY.

Within BioMiStem Project, we will investigate the therapeutic potential of Stem cells for tissue treatment/ regeneration depending on the accompanying civilization diseases. We will use novel scaffolds to improve cells differentiation, regenerative properties and delivery. Utilization of new biomaterials will be optimized for improving long-term storage and stability SC. The mRNA and miRNA profiles as well as proteome content will be verified to understand the mechanism of their therapeutic activity. Regeneration capacity of optimized culture specimens will be assessed in two in vivo animal models. Then selected optimized fraction will be applied for tissue regeneration in patients with civilization diseases in clinical trial.

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    Data dodania
    13 marca 2018