Język angielski w mediach i komunikacji w czasie pandemii- wykład gościnny prof. z Gruzji

EN version

Mamy przyjemność zaprosić Państwa na wykład, organizowany przez Centrum Współpracy Międzynarodowej oraz Batumi State Maritime Academy. Wykład poprowadzi prof. Tamar Dolidze z Wydziału Biznesu i Zarządzania BSMA na platformie MS Teams w czwartek, 7 kwietnia br. o godzinie 16.00.

Wymagana jest wcześniejsza rejestracja.

Rejestracja na wydarzenie

Prof. Tamar Dolidze jest profesorką nadzwyczajną Państwowej Akademii Morskiej w Batumi (Gruzja) na Wydziale Biznesu i Zarządzania. W 2020 r. została wybrana na stanowisko profesorki nadzwyczajnej Online University - Pegaso International Group (z siedzibą na Malcie) w zakresie przedmiotu: Komunikacja i Filozofia Języka. Prof. Tamar Dolidze wykładała gościnnie na zagranicznych uczelniach (Legal English and Business Communications), brała udział w programie Erasmus Teaching Mobility Program; jest recenzentką International Journal of Linguistics, Language and Culture oraz członkinią komitetu organizacyjnego Eurasian Multidisciplinary Forum (ESI); członkinią zespołu redakcyjnego International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL) oraz International Journal of Digital Humanities (indeksowanym przez Scopus). Jest prelegentką na wielu międzynarodowych konferencjach i seminariach internetowych.

Wykład odbędzie się w języku angielskim.

We are pleased to invite you to the lecture, organized by the International Cooperation Center and Batumi State Maritime Academy. The lecture will conduct by Prof. Tamar Dolidze from the BSMA Faculty of Business and Management, on MS Teams platform on Thursday, April 7 at 4.00 pm. Preregistration is required.

Registration form

Prof. Tamar Dolidze is an Associate Professor of Batumi State Maritime Academy (Georgia), Faculty of Business and Management. Since 2020 she has been elected as an Associate Professor of the Online University – Pegaso International Group (based in Malta) with a subject: Communications and Language Philosophy. Prof. Tamar Dolidze has also been a guest lecturer/visiting professor (Legal English and Business Communications) at foreign universities, participant of Erasmus Teaching Mobility Program; She is a reviewer of the International Journal of Linguistics, Language and Culture and organizational committee member of Eurasian Multidisciplinary Forum (ESI); A member of the Editorial team of the International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL) and International Journal of Digital Humanities (Scopus Indexed). She is an Invited /Plenary Speaker at several International Conferences and Webinars.

Title: English for Media Literacy and Global Communication during Covid-19 and beyond

We all agree that language, like any living being, undergoes constant change and evolution in order to adapt to the needs of its users. Therefore, the English Language being a Lingua Franca is not an exception, and more than other languages in the world keeps pace with cutting edges developments in all areas of human life with its primary function of effective communication in professional as well as ordinary real-life situations. Development of English as an International Language has become more noticeable since the beginning of globalisation and more vividly after digitalisation, in which its significant role and existential function are now unquestionable.

Moreover, it is the best communication tool for global citizens, individuals equipped with 21st century skills uniting under one common goal of making the world a better place to live via sharing and exchanging knowledge and expertise, as well as collaborating and cooperating more than ever before, through the use of this powerful weapon connecting us all - English.

We cordially invite you!


    Natalia Kamińska
    Data dodania
    4 kwietnia 2022