Wykłady on-line - semestr V

Wykłady on-line – 15 godzin

Prowadzący prof. György Keglevich

Zajęcia odbywać się będą za pośrednictwem platformy „wirtualny kampus”, formuła synchroniczna:

2020.11.05 – godz. 8:00-9:30

2020.11.09 – godz. 12:15-13:00

2020.11.16 – godz. 12:15-13:00

2020.11.26 – godz. 8:00-9:30

2020.12.03 – godz. 8:00-9:30

2020.12.10 – godz. 8:00-8:45

2020.12.17 – godz. 8:00-8:45


  1. The importance of organophosphorus compounds
  2. The reactivity of P(III) compounds – nucleophilicity and electrophilicity; The Arbuzov reaction
  3. The reactivity of tetracoordinated P(V) compounds – electrophilicity
  4. Interconversion of P(III) and tetracoordinated P(V) compounds (vice versa)
  5. P=ligands and utilization in catalyst
  6. Optical resolution of chiral tetracoordinated P(V) compounds
  7. Low-coordinated organophosphorous fragments. Generation and utilization.
  8. Biological activity of organophosphorous compounds (pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals)
  9. 5-Membered P-heterocycles (syntheses and reactions)
  10. 6- and 7-Membered P-heterocycles (syntheses and reactions)
  11. Aromatic P-heterocycles; the antiaromatic phenomenon
  12. Bridged P-heterocycles (syntheses and utilization)
  13. Summary and outlook


    Data dodania
    25 października 2020