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Scientific biography
On 20 February 1996 I was awarded the title of Master of Sciences in Biology (specialism: microbiology), and I took a job as an assistant in Department of Environmental Microbiology UMCS, under the supervision of prof. dr. hab. Ewa Kurek. My research focused on the immobilization and mobilization of cadmium in the soil environment and the impact of microbiological activity on these processes. The results obtained during these studies (in project No. 6 P04C 045 21, 2001-2004) were discussed in my doctoral dissertation entitled “The role of microorganisms in the processes of cadmium sorption and desorption in soil”, defended on 12 November 2003.
From 2004 to 2016, I worked as Assistant Professor. During this period of time, I was implementing the project (no. N N305 336334, 2008-2011) entitled “Transformation of cadmium accumulated by plant roots” that was financed by the National Science Center. The aims of my researches was to identify the rate and efficiency of the mobilization of cadmium previously immobilized in the root biomass of two plant species (Festuca ovina and Secale cereale). This research cycle ended with the preparation of the post-doctoral accomplishment entitled “The role of microorganisms and soil constituents in the transformations of cadmium accumulated in the roots of grassy plants”.
On 23 May 2018, I obtained the he post-doctoral degree (habilitation) in biological sciences and I has been working as Assistant Professor in Department of Industrial and Environmental Microbiology UMCS. From this time, I am focused on metals bioavailability, bioremediation of the soils contaminated with heavy metals, microbial interactions in the rhizosphere, and plant growth promoting microorganisms in metal-induced stress.
Completed Scientific projects:
1. Immobilization of cadmium by biotic and abiotic (organic and mineral) soil components - project KBN no. 6 P205 036 07
2. The role of microorganisms in processes controlling the pool of bioavailable cadmium in the soil (sorption/desorption) - project KBN no. 6 P04C 045 21
3. Distribution of Cd among the components of the solid phase of soil after desorption from cadmium-saturated bacterial and fungal biomass - individual grant of UMCS
4. Transformation of cadmium accumulated by plant roots - project NCN no. N N305 336334
5. BIOGLASS - Development and validation of technology for the production of glass with biocidal properties dedicated to architectural and greenhouse applications - project NCBiR no. POIR.04.01.02-00-0111/17-00/2018
Current research:
1. Diversity of microorganisms and their role in promoting plant growth in heavy metal contaminated soils
2. Bioavailability of heavy metals and the role of microorganisms in phytoremediation of contaminated soils
3. The effect of soil microorganism activity on the mobility and distribution of metals in contaminated soils (sequential extraction of metals).
List of publications (link)
List of conducted lectures and laboratory classes (link)
Special Issues:
2023 Horticulatural Plants Facing Stressful Conditions - Way of Stress Mitigation
2022 Study of the Influence of Abiotic and Biotic Stress Factors on Horticultural Plants