Wydział MFI UMCS w semestrze zimowym roku akademickiego 2024/25 może zaoferować uczestnikom programu Erasmus następujące przedmioty:


The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science can offer the following subjects to Erasmus participants in the winter semester of the academic year 2024/25:


    1. Ordinary Differential Equations

    2. Partial Differential Equations

    3. Numerical Analysis

    4. Theory of Measure and Integration

    5. Probability and Statistics

    6. Artificial Neural Networks

    7. Introduction to machine learning

    8. Medical computer science systems

    9. Fundametals of quantum computing

    10. Biocybernetics and biomedical engineering

    11. Mathematical methods of physics

    12. Geometric methods of physics

    13. Solid state physics

    14. Quantum mechanics of nanostructures