Team Europe & the art of debate - Final Debate in Lublin

Lublin Final Debate in project "Team Europe & the art of debate"; Lublin, April 20, 2017, 13:00 at Political Science Faculty, UMCS, , Plac Litewski 3, I. Daszyński Audytorium. Debate will be in Polish.

Thesis of the Debate: Migrations to EU are advantageous for Member States.

Debating Teams:
1. ,,Dyplomaci" : Daniel Bosiak, Olga Wójcik, Olena Mykhailova i Michał Harkot
2. ,,Axis Mundi” : Mykhailo Peremskyi, Monika Lipiec, Karolina Wojciechowska i Klim Kedrik.

The winning team will be awarded with the visit tio the EU Institutions in Brussels. 

Everybody is invited to follow the debate and comment (in social media use: #debatyEU60 )

The Team Europe & the art of debate Competition is organised by the European Commission, CDE Network and Team Europe as a part of 60th Anniversary of signing the Rome Treaties.  


    Julita Rybczyńska
    Date of addition
    19 April 2017