Students housing during the shutdown

UMCS Rector has issued the letter to all the students and doctoral students regarding the University students housing during the shutdown.

Based on the Rector's decission Ms. Alicja Borzęcka-Szajner , the UMCS Director of  Studies and Students Services Centre conveyed to all the international students the following information: 

UMCS has been asked to prepare some Studnet Housing  (DS)  for possible use as a quarantine centres (to be used only if demand for quarantine grows beyond existing centres) 

In this situation: 

  • Polish students will be asked to relocate to their family homes or other permanent places of residence. 
  • INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS who are spending the shutdown in Lublin will stay in their Dorms, in some cases they might be asked to relocate to another dorm.  
  • INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS who went home but left their things in the Dorm's room - their things will be secured in their rooms or (rarely) packed and secured in special secure storage. 

This is "just in case" scenario prepared for emergencies.  For the time being international studnets should stay in their Dorms.  They will be informed if  anything changes. 

In case of questions or concerns students should contact Ms. Borzęcka Szajner and administration of their Studnets House (DS) or email their advisors at the Faculty. 



    Julita Rybczyńska
    Date of addition
    17 March 2020