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We wish to extend an invitation to the 13th Asia-Pacific International Conference - Navigating Global Risks: The Role of Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific's Future. This year's edition will be hosted by us for the first time in Lublin, Poland on the 15th of November 2024.
The event is co-organised by the Department of World Economy and European Integration at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin and the Asia-Pacific Research Centre at Wrocław University of Economics and Business.
The conference aims to present the results of scientific research and exchange views and experiences on economic, social, and political challenges facing the Asia-Pacific countries. We look forward to the participation of representatives from academia, politics, diplomatic services, and business.
The proceedings will be organised in a hybrid mode, combining on-site speeches, online presentations, and a poster session.
Detailed information about the conference is available in the attached flyer and at
Online registration:
Please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail if you have any questions: (Marcin Daniel – Conference Secretary)