A series of workshops with international experts- Intensive Training Course

From March 7th, workshops on transversal skills will be organized. The activity is implemented under REINITIALISE "Protecting fundamental rights when using digital technologies for eHealth services" project. The trainings will be conducted by prominent experts from the participating universities- the University of Macerata and the Catholic University of Leuven, as well as by external experts.
The Intensive Training Course is aimed both to the research staff, including Young Researchers, as well as the University administrative staff supporting researchers in the implementation of projects.

The application form can be found below:

Registration Form

The events will be held online, at the MS Teams platform. Workshops will be held in English.

We provide certificates of attendance for participants of the cycle. 

Registration is opened until March 4th. 

The program of the event can be found below

These events brings an unique opportunity to get the best practices related to scientific activities, including the proper management of research data, aspects of communicating research results while engaging the local community or issues related to IPR. Increasingly, these issues are becoming mandatory elements of project applications not only in international but also in national proposals for research funding.


    Date of addition
    2 March 2022