
Integrative trip of international students of the UMCS to Warsaw

On the 12th of June this year, there was an integrative trip to Warsaw of international students who study at our University in Polish and English-speaking faculties. As part of the visit, students had a guided tour around the Warsaw Old Town, visited the Copernicus Science Centre and the Museum of Illusions. The organisation of the trip is a result of students' participation in the UMCS Participatory Budget competition.

The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Promotion Centre organised the trip in cooperation with the Students' Government's University Board. The National Agency for Academic Exchange financed it under the "Welcome to Poland" project.

The project coordinators are Dr Ewelina Panas and Dr Marcin Gołębiowski.



    Monika Kusiej
    Date of addition
    16 June 2021