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Dear Students,
Until 26 February 2023, you can take part in the survey to evaluate the courses that you completed in the winter semester 2022/23. You can access the survey via your account in USOSweb or the MobilnyUSOS app.
To take part in the survey you need to:
The survey consists of 11 questions, completed separately for each course in a given semester. It includes questions concerning your opinion on the classes you have participated in and the way they were conducted. Below you can find a place for your comments where you can share your opinion concerning the pros and cons of the classes and the way they were conducted.
Course evaluation survey is feedback for the University Authorities, Faculty Authorities, and academic teachers. Each opinion will be used to verify the quality of classes, study programs and the usefulness of knowledge acquired in a given subject. All your answers will remain anonymous.
A visualization of the number of completed surveys, prepared by the Centre for Analysis and Development, is available at The data is divided into Faculties and updated automatically every 6 hours.
It only takes a few minutes to complete one questionnaire and you can do it anywhere and anytime. At the same time, we would like to remind you that participation in the study is one of the student's obligations, resulting from the Study Regulations.
Thanks to your opinion, our University can constantly change for the better, and the best-rated academic teachers have a chance to receive the Homo Didacticus diploma.
Any errors in the didactic offer (the possibility of evaluating classes in which you did not participate or lack of access to the survey evaluating the classes in which you participated) should be reported to the Dean's Office. In case of other problems related to the survey, please contact the Office for the Analysis of the Quality of Education of the Centre for Education and Study Services.