International conflicts: Eastern European dimension - Course by Prof. HRYHORII PEREPELYTSIA (Taras Schevchenko National University, Kiev)

2020/21 Visiting Professors Program at Political Science and Journalism Faculty at UMCS starts this semester with the on-line course "International conflicts: Eastern European dimension" by prof. HRYHORII PEREPELYTSIA, Ukrainian political scientist, captain of the Navy (retired), foreign policy and security policy expert, Professor in the Institute of International Relations at the Taras Schevchenko National University in Kiev and the Director of the Foreign Policy Research Institute. The lectures are open to students in the International Relations and National Security programs. Students in the 3rd year of the BN(BA) can take the course for credits within Integrated UMCS Program.

Prof. HRYHORII PEREPELYTSIA is the Professor in the Institute of International Relations at the Taras Schevchenko National University  in Kieve and the Director of the Foreign Policy Research Institute and the Captain of the Navy (in retirement).  Between 1992 and 1995 he has been a chief of analytical group at the Center for Strategic Studies of the General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine. Since 1995 he has been a head of military policy department and the Deputy Director (since 2003) of the National Institute for Strategic Studiies. Director of the Foreign Policy Research Institute( since 2006). Prof.PEREPELYTSIA is known in Ukraine and internationally  as the expert in the field of foreign and security policy, arms control and nonproliferation, the author over 100 scientific publications and books.

Full biography,15681.htm#page-2

Lectures will be held on MS Teams, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 17:00-20:00 (CET)

Dates: October 27 and 29: November 3, 5, 10, 17 and 19, 2020

Code  and link to the lecturs on Teams will be announced. 

Contact: To sign up for the course  "International conflicts: Eastern European dimension"  please contact  dr Julita Rybczynska 




    Julita Rybczyńska
    Date of addition
    14 October 2020