India's Foreign Policy in a Globalised World - PROF. APARAJITA GANGOPADHYAY Lectures

Visiting Professors Program at Political Science and Journalism Faculty at UMCS invites students to the lecture "India's Foreign Policy in a Globalised World: Environment, Energy, Terrorism, Conflicts, Migration, Human Rights and Global Health" by Prof. APARAJITA GANGOPADHYAY, Head of the Department of International Relations, Goa University in India. The lecture is organised within INTEGRATED UMCS porject

PROF. APARAJITA GANGOPADHYAY course at UMCS:  India's Foreign Policy in a Globalised World: Environment, Energy, Terrorism, Conflicts, Migration, Human Rights and Global Health  will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays,  17.00-20.00 on November 24, 26, December 1, 3, 8, 10, 15. 

To sign up for the course please contact  Mirosław Kloc 

More about our Visisting Professors Program: here

PROF. APARAJITA GANGOPADHYAY is currently the Head of the Department of International Relations, and the Director of the Centre for Latin American Studies, at Goa University Goa, India. She has been a Visiting Faculty at Chengchi National University, Taiwan, Department of International Relations, Marie Curie Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland, Institute of International Relations at Vilnius University, Lithuania and the Sciences Po Lyon, France. She is also a member of the Academic Council of the Indian Studies Programme, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She is also the Founding Member of Centre for International Development and  Cooperation  Research  at  the  University  of  Bucharest,  Romania  and  Advisory Council Member on Centre on Studies and Services on  Contemporary India and Southern Asia (CESI-CAM), Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogota. She was designated as Visiting Professor Extraordinary by the Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina. She has been an invited speaker to universities and institutions such as the Argentine Institute of International Relations (CARI), University of Salvador, Lomos De Zamora University, La Plata University, Universidade Siglo 21, National University, Rosario and the National University of Rio Cuarto, Argentina.  She  has been  a  member  of  the  Indian  Delegation  to Brazil  as  part  of  Government  of  India’s  India-Brazil 1.5 Dialogue in  2013.   She has widely published in areas such as India-Latin America Relations, India’s Foreign Policy, India’s Diaspora Policy, Argentina-Brazil Relations, and Regional Integration. She is currently working on two edited collections of bilingual essays (English-Spanish) on India-Latin America Relations. 



    Julita Rybczyńska
    Date of addition
    1 December 2020