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Wtorek : 15:00 - 16:30 (Online)
Środa: 14:00 - 15:30 (532 NH)
(Prosimy o wcześniejsze napisanie wiadomości e-mail w celu zaplanowania spotkania)
A slow scream: trauma and madness in the biographemical early works of António Lobo Antunes (Lublin: UMCS University Press, 2023)
Jorge Listopad e Rosa definitiva de František Listopad (współautorem z Karolina Valová) (Bratislava: Portugalský inštitút, 2023)
"Detetives inusitados, ou a descoberta dos labirintos do mundo em Todos os Nomes e História do Cerco de Lisboa de José Saramago" in Rivista di studi portoghesi e brasiliani (Pisa, Roma: Fabrizio Serra Editore, XXIV, 2022)
"Faulknerian shadows: António Lobo Antunes under the influence of William Faulkner" ( Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 21, Number 3, 2021) pp. 217-227
"A statue of guilt: memory as a painful reminder in Caderno de Memórias Coloniais (Notebook of Colonial Memories) by Isabela Figueiredo", in Portuguese Studies Review, Vol. 28, No. 2 (2020, Winter) pp. 125-148
"Nunca é agora entre nós: separações e ruturas em Explicação dos Pássaros, de António Lobo Antunes" in Études romanes de Brno. 2020, vol. 41, iss. 1, pp. 235-247
"Speaking with Angels: Hell and Madness in António Lobo Antunes' 'Conhecimento do Inferno' (A Health Humanities perspective)" in 'Converging Realms: Exchanges between Literature and Science from the 1800s to the 2000s', Ed. Márcia Lemos and Miguel Ramalhete Gomes (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2017) pp. 173-187
"Mudança: a dimensão política da obra de Vergílio Ferreira como estratégia contra o trauma" in 'Studia Iberystyczne 2016, No. 15: Representações da violencia / Vergilio Ferreira revisitado ', Ed. Gabriel Borowski; Natalia Czopek and Anna Rzepka (Academic Bookshop, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Institute of Romance Philology, Department of Spanish Philology, 2016) pp. 173-184
"Torno, Retorno e Transtorno: Trauma e Stress Pós-Traumático nos romances de António Lobo Antunes" in 'As Humanidades e as Ciências, Disjunções e Confluências', Org. Ana Gabriela Macedo et al (Edições Húmus, VN Famalicão, 2014) pp. 197-208
Rozdziały w książkach:
"Cinema and Propaganda in the Estado Novo regime in Portugal: the case of O Pátio das Cantigas (The Courtyard of Ballads)" (w druku)
"Gil Vicente: Auto da Barca do Inferno and the Representation of the “Fool” in Early Modern Portuguese Drama" (Edinburgh University Press) (w druku)
"Narrating Trauma in Contemporary Literature: The Cases of António Lobo Antunes and Patrick McGrath" in Narrative Medicine: Trauma and Ethics, eds. Anders Juhl Rasmussen, Morten Sodemann (Wilmington: Vernon Press, 2024)
" Sem mapa nem roteiro : a visão política de Saramago eo conceito de negative capability como base da sua representação narrativa" (Lisboa: Tinta-da-China, 2022, pp. 333-348)
“Extraterritorialidades e itinerâncias: a escrita nomádica de Jorge Listopad” in 100 František/Jorge Listopad (Prague: Varia, Filozofická Fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, 2021, pp.35-44)
"Keats' Negative Capability: The Afterlife of a Concept, from Romanticism to Roberto Unger and José Saramago" in Romantic Dialogues and Afterlives, Monika Coghen, Anna Pachulowska-Messing (eds.) (Jaggelonian University Press, 2021, pp. 171-179 )
"Doctor, Soldier, Writer: António Lobo Antunes as Portugal's pathographer" in The Portrait of an Artist as a Pathographer: On Writing Illnesses and Illnesses in Writing , Jayjit Sarkar, Jagannath Basu (Eds.) (Vernon Press, 2021)
100 František/Jorge Listopad (Prague: Varia, Filozofická Fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, 2021)
Brian Brown, Ricardo Rato Rodrigues, Charley Baker and Paul Crawford (Editors) "Trauma and Textualities", Journal of Medical Humanities, Volume 42, issue 2, June 2021
Atkin, Rhian. Saramago's Labyrinths: A Journey Through Form and Content in Blindness and All the Names. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2012. ( VOL 12 (2014): ELLIPSIS )
Cabelo Encaracolado in ' Antologia de Contos Originais', (Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 2020, pp.209-218) (short stories)