About the Conference

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the 21st International and Nationwide Conference on Onomastics (MiOKO) will be held in 2018 at Maria Curia-Skłodowska Univeristy in Lublin, Poland.

We expect the conference to be an important scholarly event on both the nationwide and international scale, attended by distinguished scholars representing different academic centres form Poland and abroad. We hope that the conference will be an excellent platform of scientific discussion on research achievements, recent initiatives and key issues pertaining to onomastic studies. It will be a meeting with a discipline that deals with proper names, as well as a meeting with proper names themselves. It is aimed at showing the current state and directions of development of Polish onomastic studies and contrast it with approaches taken by foreign researchers.

The conference focus is twofold. On the one hand, we are concerned with the terminology applied to proper names, i.e. with the need for establishing theoretical and terminological agreement (metaonomastic reflection). On the other hand, we aim at presenting mechanisms involved in forming and introducing onyms to a language, with an emphasis on the specific ways they have functioned in the Polish language (and other languages) in a factographic and cultural dimension. 

For more details concerning the conference, please see the attached conference circular.

This scholarly undertaking is an effect of collaboration of several Institutes and Departments within the Faculty of Humanities of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University: Department of the History of the Polish Language and Dialectology (Institute of Polish Philology), Department of Ukrainian Philology and Department of Belarussian and Bulgarian Studies (Institute of Slavic Philology), and Department of Applied Linguistics (Institute of German Philology and Applied Linguistics). 

On behalf of the Organising Committee of the 21st MiOKO Conference,
Adam Siwiec